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Pearson Subdivision Staff Report <br />December 12, 2011 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />The City Code does not allow accessory buildings on a lot without a primary structure <br />(house). The Pearsons currently have a shed on the vacant lot, and Mr. Holl indicated that <br />he was buying Parcel A specifically for additional back yard space and planned to build a <br />shed or garage (not knowing that the Code did not allow this). Staff feels that if each <br />property owner “tax” combines their two lots with Ramsey County, it would be acceptable <br />to allow accessory buildings on the vacant parcels. This is stated in the conditions of the <br />resolution with the stipulation that if the tax combined parcels become disconnected from <br />each other for any reason, that all accessory buildings would need to be removed or a <br />house built on the property within one year. This would make the Pearson’s shed be <br />conforming and allow Mr. Holl to build a garage if he chooses. <br /> <br />Park Dedication Requirements. <br />Subdivisions of land are subject to park dedication requirements consistent with Chapter 1204 <br />of the City Code. When the subdivided parcels are not going to be developed, Staff typically <br />recommends that the park dedication fee not be required. Since there are no current plans for <br />development of the lots, staff is recommending that the park dedication fee not be required at <br />this time. However, the west lot is technically “buildable” because of the existing platted road <br />right-of-way frontage. Staff included a condition in the resolution stating that if a house is built <br />on either of these lots, a park dedication fee will be required at the time of construction. <br /> <br />Easements. <br />With most subdivisions, the City requires the owner to dedicate drainage and utility easements <br />around the perimeter of the lot. There are existing easements shown on the survey that will <br />remain in place. Staff is requiring that perimeter easements are added along the east and <br />south sides of Parcel A since the lot is buildable. These new easements are also shown on <br />the survey. <br /> <br />Planning Commission Action <br />On Wednesday, December 7, 2011, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to <br />recommend approval of the minor subdivision with the conditions stated in the resolution. <br /> <br />Summary. <br />The proposed subdivision will simply split the vacant property and create one new parcel. All <br />minimum city requirements are met with this request. The new property line was placed so <br />that the Pearson’s shed has the required minimum 5 foot setback. <br /> <br />Recommendation: <br />Because the proposed subdivision satisfies all city code requirements, Staff is recommending <br />approval of Resolution 7865, a resolution approving the minor subdivision of a vacant lot <br />owned by Bob & Mary Pearson, adjacent to 2565 Sherwood Road. <br /> <br />Attachments: <br />1. Zoning Map <br />2. Aerial Map <br />3. Resolution 7865 <br />4. Certificate of Survey <br />Respectfully Submitted By, <br /> Heidi Heller <br />Planning Associate