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City of Mounds View Staff Report <br /> May 2, 1997 <br /> . Page 2 <br /> the cost for excavating, gradingand fill permits should be • <br /> More work is needed to determine if <br /> adjusted. <br /> Development Review: We do not know how long ago these fees were set, but many of them are <br /> much lower than the City's costs for doing development reviews. The existing fee schedule is as <br /> follows: <br /> • <br /> Type of Application <br /> ❑ Comprehensive Plan Amendment $200 <br /> ❑ Rezoning $200/ac;min$200 max$1000 <br /> ❑ Major Subdivision $250+$250 deposit* <br /> ❑ Minor Subdivision $150 <br /> ❑ Planned Unit Development(PUD) $350 <br /> ❑ PUD Amendment $150 <br /> ❑ Conditional Use Permit R-1,R-2$75; all others$200 <br /> ❑ Variance R-1,R-2$75; all others$200 <br /> ❑ Code Appeal $75 <br /> ❑ Develop Review/Site Plan $100/ac;min$100 max$500 <br /> ❑ Wetland Alteration Permit $50+deposit* <br /> ❑ Wetland Buffer Permit $10 <br /> . ❑ Floodplain Permit $200 <br /> Since January, staff in the Community Development Department have been tracking the number 4o <br /> of hours spent on various tasks including individual development cases. The following are <br /> examples: <br /> Case Fee Paid Hours Spent Dollars/Hour <br /> D.W. Jones PUD $350 66.75 $ 5.24 <br /> O'Neil Property PUD/ $550 121 $ 4.54 <br /> Comp Plan Amendment <br /> Linders CUP $200 10 $20.00 <br /> Colonial Village CUP $200 14.5 $13.79 <br /> Spots Quick Lube CUP $200 55.75 $ 3.58 <br /> Hoopingarner Lot Split $150 14.5 $10.34 <br /> Tammy Bellamy CUP $75 18.75 $ 4.00 <br /> Zep Devel Review/Variance $460 51.75 $ 8.88 <br /> None of these cases (other than Linders and Colonial Village) approaches the cost of paying for <br /> staff time. We know that it may be impractical to cover all costs, but staff feels that the current <br /> situation, especially for large cases such as the D.W. Jones and O'Neil Property, needs attention. <br /> We are unclear why PUDs have a flat fee, and rezonings have a sliding fee based on acreage. We <br /> • need direction from City Council whether you want to institute a system that bases fees more on <br /> time spent than on type of application. There was a practice in the past that developers paidII <br />