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• without compensation for 30 days of less, the City will continue to pay its normal premium <br /> contribution or as policy allows. <br /> If a Family and Medical Leave Absence extends beyond the approved period, the employee <br /> becomes responsible for the full amount of the group health insurance premiums with no co- <br /> payment from the City. In the event an employee elects not to return to work upon completion <br /> of an approved Family and Medical Leave of Absence, the City may recover from the employee <br /> the cost of any payments made to maintain the employee's insurance coverage, unless the <br /> failure to return to work was for reasons beyond the employee's control. If an employee is laid <br /> off during the Family and Medical Leave Absence and employment is terminated, the City's <br /> responsibility to maintain group health insurance ceases at the time of the layoff. <br /> Status of Benefits <br /> Unpaid Leave/Combination of Unpaid and Paid <br /> The employee will not accrue benefits such as vacation leave, sick leave or holiday pay while <br /> on Unpaid Family and Medical Leave of Absence. Employees using a combination of paid and <br /> unpaid leave, or intermittent unpaid leave, will accrue benefits on a pro-rated basis. Step <br /> adjustments will be extended by the length of the unpaid leave. Employees on intermittent <br /> leave will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis with regard to extending the length of the step <br /> increases. <br /> Paid Leave <br /> Employees using Paid leave will continue to accrue benefits. Step adjustment will occur at the <br /> regularly schedule time. <br /> Paid and Unpaid Leave does not constitute a break in service for purposes of eligibility for <br /> pension and retirement benefits. <br /> Use of Vacation, Sick Leave and Holiday Pay <br /> An employee can elect, or the employer can require, an employee to substitute accrued paid <br /> vacation leave, or sick leave for any part of an employee's Family or Medical Leave. If paid <br /> leave is exhausted prior to length of the Leave, the remainder of the Leave may be granted <br /> without pay. <br /> Use of Sick Leave for Family and Medical Leave must be the Sick Leave Use qualifications as <br /> outlined in the Sick Leave Policy. If the Family and Medical Leave does not meet the <br /> qualifications to use sick leave, vacation leave may be used. <br /> The use of vacation and/or sick bank hours used with FMLA Leave and does not extend the <br /> length of the FMLA Leave. <br /> Intermittent Leave <br /> When medically necessary, a Medical Leave of Absence may be taken intermittently or as part <br /> of a reduced work schedule. In such cases, the City may require the employee to temporarily <br /> transfer to an available alternative position which better accommodates recurring periods of <br /> absences or part-time schedules, provided the position has equivalent pay and benefits. <br /> • Return to Work <br /> As a general rule, an employee that is granted a Family and Medical Leave of Absence under <br />