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Revenues - 7/14/94 $3,487,054 <br /> franchise fees 100,000 <br /> transfer, vehicle & equipment fund 67,753 <br /> transfer, tax increments 3,521 <br /> property tax increase 26,352 <br /> Revenues - 7/18/94 $3,439,227 <br /> Expenditures - 7/14/94 $3,487,054 <br /> seasonal worker, streets (4,575) <br /> maintenance worker, parks (36,752) <br /> N.W. Youth Services 1,000 <br /> North Metro Mayors Assn (7,500) <br /> Expenditures - 7/18/94 $3,439,227 <br /> That General Fund property tax levy increase is 6.8% more than the 1994 General Fund levy. I received <br /> notice from the City of Blaine that we may reduce the scheduled property tax levy for repayment of the <br /> fire bonds from $100,417 to $94,596 for 1995. This reduction of$5,821 is attributable to a change in <br /> the cost allocation formula of the participating cities. Overall the proposed property tax levy for 1995 <br /> would increase by 5.9%. Owners of single family residential property would see increases in their tax <br /> bills of between 6.86% and 8.99%, depending upon the market value of their property. <br /> Subsequent to the July 18, 1994 Budget Work Session several items have modified the 1994 General <br /> Fund Budget: <br /> • The City has received notification from the Mn Dep't. of Revenue that the City's 1995 <br /> Homestead Credit will increase by $8,724 in 1995. Since the previous revenue estimate <br /> had shown a decrease in 1995 Homestead Credit of$18,337, this represents an increase <br /> in estimated revenues of$27,061 over the previous estimate. <br /> • The City has received notification from the Mn Dep't. of Revenue that Local Government <br /> Aid(LGA) will increase by $17,363 in 1995. Since the previous revenue estimate has <br /> shown a decrease in 1995 LGA of $17,000, this represents an increase in estimated <br /> revenues of$34,673 over the previous estimate. <br /> • Chief Ramacher received an estimate of 1995 police dispatching costs that is$3,978 lower <br /> than the previous estimate he had. <br /> These changes could allow the City to stay within its earlier goal of a 5% property tax levy increase for <br /> 1995. If the City had a 5% property tax levy increase for 1995, expenditures could be increased by <br /> $39,360. These changes are listed below. <br />