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I City of Mounds View <br /> Cable Committee Minutes <br /> September 14, 1995 <br /> Page three <br /> REPORT OF <br /> PRODUCER (CONT'D) <br /> Committeemember Haake <br /> made a motion to direct Cable <br /> Producer Johnson to explo <br /> re the prices <br /> equipment for possible purchase this ea f the needed96 <br /> eta <br /> dependent upon bud Y or in 1996 <br /> budgetary limitations and Council approval. <br /> b <br /> i <br /> Mot <br /> on y Committeemember g <br /> The motion was seconded <br /> approved 4 ayes, 0 nays. Hodges. <br /> Ms. Johnson informed the Committee that the <br /> Administration DepartmyH <br /> for use in the production of he 1996 da deo Budgetcamera <br /> ideo. She <br /> stated that Administrative Intern Dawn Postud n ek would <br /> be producing the video as part of her internshipbu ° ld <br /> Johnson was asked to participate in the editin t that Ms. <br /> Committeemember Haake suggestedg Process. <br /> or the Administration Department <br /> that Ms, postudensek, <br /> be listed as Producer, because nent, or Finane Department <br /> Ms. John <br /> artistic control of the project, and would son onlwbeli not have <br /> consultant position. Y m a <br /> REPORT ON NEW <br /> FORMULA FOR NSCC <br /> GRANTS TO CITIES <br /> FOR 1996 <br /> Chairperson Jerry Skelly, Sr. reported <br /> Suburban Cable Commission has been discussing o n <br /> formula for awardingo a new <br /> would be to give each grants flat amount f cities. The current proposal <br /> oney. <br /> Additional funds would be then awarded to each Ci <br /> according to their subscribershi �' <br /> commented that she was concerned about t cities teemeha et d d not <br /> Haake <br /> iuse their funds towards cable television activities, stating <br /> that <br /> even though their subcribership may be higher, if theyidn't <br /> not <br /> use the funding towards cable production, it would still didn't <br /> be equitable. <br /> SENIOR PRO- <br /> GRAMMING SERIES <br /> Chairperson Skelly gave the Committee an overview <br /> proposed program for Seniors which would be co-hosted a <br /> Peg Meier and Jerry hosted <br /> a magazinetype riy Skelly, Sr. Producer Johnson suggestedby <br /> format in which each host would be <br /> responsible for their own "package." <br /> The discussed some of the categoriesthatcould bincluded Committee <br /> the programming such as "Healthded in <br /> People Features, Senior activities around and Fitness", <br /> Community <br /> Chairperson Skelly requested thatthe area. <br /> ideas regarding senior programs with Ms. Linke share some <br /> as she is involved with programming unself and Ms. Meier <br /> City of Mounds View. P gramming of senior activities in the <br />