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HOUSING GO�R.�FT <br /> METROPOLITANLIV ABLLE AGREEMENT <br /> CO�IIILI�,TITIES ACT <br /> PRLN'CIPLES <br /> The city of Moundskiiew supports: <br /> 1. A balanced housing supply, with housing available for people at all income levels.b <br /> 2. The accommodation of all racial and ethnic groups in the purchase, sale, rental and <br /> location of housing within the community. <br /> 3- A variety of housing <br /> types for people in all stages of the life-cycle. <br /> 4• A community of well-maintain-ed housing and nei <br /> and rental housing. ghborhoods, including ownership <br /> 5• Housing development that respects the natural env' <br /> striving to accommodate the need for a variety of housing <br /> of the community while <br /> 6. The availability of a full range of services and facil' •es types and costs. <br /> improvement availability <br /> tof. access tand linkage between housing and employmenor its residents,t and the <br /> GOALS <br /> To carry out the above housing <br /> benchmark indicators for communities t es of similar location <br /> principles, the City of on and stiew agreesage of to use <br /> affordable and life-cycle housingg <br /> efforts given goals for the period 1996 to 2010, and omake its best <br /> market conditions and resource availability, to maintain an i development as <br /> benchmark ranges for affordability, life-cycle and density <br /> index within the <br /> AffordabilityCITY INDEX BENCHMARK GOAL <br /> OwnershipMEI <br /> 89% 69-87% MIMI <br /> Rental I <br /> 54% <br /> 35-50% <br /> 1e rn single family <br /> Owneerenter 11 <br /> Density <br /> Single-Family Detached I <br /> 2.3/acre IIMEMIIIIII <br /> 10-13/acre <br /> To achieve the above goals. the City of Moundsview elects to participate in the <br /> Metropolitan Livable Communities Act Local HousingIncentives <br /> Metropolitan <br /> and submit a plan to the <br /> Metropolitan Council <br /> by June 30, 1996, indicating l <br /> actions it will take to carry out the above goals. <br /> the <br /> CERTIFICATION <br /> Mayor <br /> Date <br />