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4. M.R.O. is unable to Contact the Driver. If an employee has not contacted the M.R.O. <br /> within seventy-two (72) hours of having been informed of having a positive test, the <br /> employee may present to the M.R.O. information documenting that a serious illness, <br /> injury or other circumstances unavoidable prevented the employee from timely <br /> contracting the M.R.O. If it is not determined that the driver did have a legitimate <br /> explanation for not contacting the M.R.O., the M.R.O. shall direct the analysis of the split <br /> specimen, as applicable, be performed. <br /> 5. M.R.O. may verify Positive Test. The M.R.O. may verify positive test without having <br /> communicated directly with the driver about the test results under the following <br /> circumstances: <br /> (A) The driver expressly declines the opportunity to discuss the test results. <br /> (B) The driver has not contacted the M.R.O. within five (5) days of being instructed to <br /> do so by the City. <br /> REPORTING AND REVIEW OF RESULTS FOR ALCOHOL TESTING <br /> The FHWA alcohol testing rules require breath testing to be administered by a Breath Alcohol <br /> Technician (BAT) using an Evidential Breath Testing Device (EBT). Two (2) breath tests are <br /> required to determine if a person has a prohibited alcohol concentration. Any results less than <br /> 0.02 alcohol concentration is considered a"negative"test. If the alcohol concentration is 0.02 or <br /> greater, a second confirmation test must be conducted. If the driver attempts and fails to provide <br /> an adequate amount of breath, the City will direct the driver to obtain a written evaluation from a <br /> licensed physician to determine if the driver's inability to provide a specimen is genuine or <br /> constitutes a refusal to test. Alcohol test results are reported directly to the designated City <br /> contact person. <br /> RIGHTS OF EMPLOYEES <br /> 1. The employer shall, within three (3) working days after receiving results of the test report <br /> from the M.R.O., notify the employee of the results of random, reasonable suspicion and <br /> post-accident tests for controlled substances if the test results are verified positive. The <br /> employer shall also inform the employee which controlled substances were verified <br /> positives. The City shall also inform an employee or job applicant of the following <br /> rights: <br /> (A) The right to request and receive from the employer a copy of the test result report. <br /> (B) The right not to be discharged, disciplined, discriminated, or requested or required <br /> to undergo rehabilitation on the basis of a positive test result from an initial <br /> screening test that has not yet been verified by a confirmatory test. <br /> 14 <br />