City of Mounds ViewFive Year Financial PlanGeneral Fund Multi-year Operating Budget 2011 thru 20150%3%3%3%3%200720082009AdoptedProjectedProjectedProjectedProjectedProjectedActualActualActual201020112012201320142015Revenues:Levy increase percentage4.00%4.00%4.00%4.00%4.00%Property taxes - Base levy3,376,307$ 3,363,818$ 3,168,022$ 3,212,525$ 3,436,771$ 3,574,242$ 3,717,212$ 3,865,900$ 4,020,536$ Property taxes - Special levies76,145 76,145 241,822 242,704 242,704 242,704 242,704 242,704 242,704 Property taxes - Fire debt levies161,327 158,370 158,895 154,606 93,341 93,667 93,119 93,293 93,373 Franchise tax273,540 283,796 235,002 287,000 245,000 252,350 259,921 267,718 275,750 Other taxes47,092 47,138 40,130 45,000 45,000 46,350 47,741 49,173 50,648 Hotel/motel tax52,615 51,263 43,835 51,000 45,000 46,350 47,741 49,173 50,648 Licenses and permits212,041 193,929 175,815 180,270 180,270 185,678 191,248 196,986 202,895 Intergovernmental348,800 380,603 816,716 557,807 304,881 314,027 323,448 333,152 343,146 Charges for services18,576 11,459 23,302 22,190 22,190 22,856 23,541 24,248 24,975 Fines & forfeitures41,833 38,617 29,819 40,800 40,800 42,024 43,285 44,583 45,921 Interest118,620 187,181 96,267 104,000 104,000 107,120 110,334 113,644 117,053 Miscellaneous175,305 189,263 124,177 86,656 107,656 110,886 114,212 117,639 121,168 Transfers: DARE Special Revenue Fund- 4,393 4,393 4,393 4,393 - - - - Special Projects Fund- 90,000 - 90,000 90,000 - - - - Water Fund56,422 58,115 59,859 61,655 63,505 65,410 67,372 69,394 71,475 Sewer Fund44,688 46,030 47,411 48,833 50,298 51,807 53,361 54,962 56,611 Street Light Fund2,000 2,060 2,122 2,186 2,253 2,321 2,390 2,462 2,536 Levy Reduction291,600 329,000 249,315 250,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 Vehicle & Equipment Fund141,500 117,250 44,000 65,600 450,500 28,000 236,000 137,800 175,000 Use of reserves- - - - - - - - - Total revenues5,438,411 5,628,430 5,560,902 5,507,225 5,878,562 5,535,792 5,923,629 6,012,828 6,244,439 Operating Expenditures:Legislative Services:City Council51,469 49,409 44,342 49,974 49,974 51,473 53,017 54,608 56,246 Advisory Commissions16,018 22,244 9,575 11,900 11,900 12,257 12,625 13,003 13,394 Subtotal67,487 71,653 53,917 61,874 61,874 63,730 65,642 67,611 69,640 Administrative Services:City Administrator178,551 181,283 214,640 217,232 217,232 223,749 230,461 237,375 244,497 Elections14,408 32,048 11,848 38,210 38,210 39,356 40,537 41,753 43,006 Finance222,326 232,688 238,674 249,270 249,270 256,748 264,451 272,384 280,556 Central Services236,211 217,990 187,197 213,082 213,082 219,474 226,059 232,840 239,826 Subtotal651,496 664,009 652,359 717,794 717,794 739,328 761,508 784,353 807,883 Community Development471,136 459,520 438,046 486,119 486,119 500,703 515,724 531,195 547,131 Police2,032,576 2,146,106 2,240,589 2,279,632 2,279,632 2,348,021 2,418,462 2,491,015 2,565,746 Fire251,119 279,649 282,977 282,750 285,495 294,060 302,882 311,968 321,327 Public Works Administration95,374 113,958 106,795 120,436 149,103 153,576 158,183 162,929 167,817 1