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Mounds View City Council Page Foil <br /> Regular Meeting January 11, 19 <br /> the cars parked on Spring Lake Road and didn't like the overcrowding of <br /> the lot. Councilmember Blanchard further stated that people also <br /> complained about the way the business was maintained. Councilmember <br /> Blanchard stated that Mr. Weldon will have to comply with the <br /> conditions setforth for the business before Mr. Weldon would receive or <br /> keep a license for auto sales. <br /> Mayor Linke stated that the City previously did not have a true code <br /> enforcement officer and things sometimes fell by the wayside. Now, <br /> problems can be handled by this person and this will ensure enforcement <br /> of the code. <br /> Kevin Mullins stated that he took offense with what Councilmember <br /> Blanchard had said. Mr. Mullins stated that he conducted business in <br /> the City for five years and not one time in those five years did a <br /> Councilmember see the inside of the business. Mr. Mullins stated that <br /> the business had quite a pleasant atmosphere and was more comfortable <br /> inside than the Council Chambers. Mr. Mullins stated that he had spent <br /> approximately $50, 000 fixing up the interior of the building. Mr. <br /> Mullins stated that he made several improvements to the inside of the <br /> business and was never aware of any code violations. Mr. Mullins also <br /> stated that Councilmember Blanchard may have received fewer phone calls <br /> if there had been better communication between the business persons a <br /> the City Councilmembers. Mr. Mullins encouraged all Councilmembers tamp <br /> stop in and visit the property since the new tenants have leased the <br /> property as the new tenants haven't changed anything and the Council <br /> could see the improvements to the inside. <br /> Mayor Linke stated that Councilmember Blanchard was not referring to <br /> the interior of the building, but more so to the problems caused with <br /> persons parking on Spring Lake Road. <br /> Mr. Mullins stated that the business could not control where the <br /> customers would park. Mr. Mullins admitted that often there were three <br /> or four cars along Spring Lake Road, but this area was not posted no <br /> parking. Mr. Mullins stated that sometimes what the Council would like <br /> to see conceptually is not possible in reality. <br /> Mayor Linke encouraged the new owners of Auto Central, Inc. to join the <br /> newly created Mounds View Business Association. Samantha Orduno is the <br /> staff representative to the association and Phyllis Blanchard is the <br /> Council representative to the association. <br /> Councilmember Blanchard has been inside Auto Central, Inc. and when she <br /> would receive complaints she would call the complaint in to City Hall <br /> staff. <br /> Mayor Linke closed the public hearing at 7:26 p.m. <br />