City of Mounds View
<br />Five Year Financial Plan
<br />General Fund Multi-year Operating Budget 2017 thru 2021
<br />General Assumption 2.5%2.5%3%3%
<br />2013 2014 2015 Budget Projected Projected Projected Projected
<br />Actual Actual Actual 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
<br />Interest 1.00%1.00%1.125%1.50%1.75%
<br />Revenues:Levy increase percentage 2.00%1.00%3.00%3.50%3.50%3.50%
<br />Property taxes - Base levy 3,489,818$ 3,440,345$ 3,647,190$ 3,706,549$ 3,885,447$ 4,024,832$ 4,168,816$ 4,318,248$
<br />Property taxes - Special levies 220,145 217,145 226,145 233,145 240,139 248,544 257,243 266,247
<br />Property taxes - debt levies 144,627 156,348 158,339 154,119 91,041 90,833 90,897 90,555
<br /> Total taxes 3,854,590 3,813,838 4,031,674 4,093,813 4,216,627 4,364,209 4,516,957 4,675,050
<br />Franchise tax 259,070 336,711 309,039 265,000 271,625 278,416 286,768 295,371
<br />Other taxes 32,032 43,859 47,877 29,000 29,725 30,468 31,382 32,324
<br />Hotel/motel tax 60,364 66,367 69,109 64,000 65,600 67,240 69,257 71,335
<br />Licenses and permits 210,774 246,970 204,844 177,422 181,858 186,404 191,996 197,756
<br />Intergovernmental 642,900 941,697 1,038,060 958,483 982,445 1,007,006 1,037,216 1,068,333
<br />Charges for services 24,142 14,933 18,943 16,815 17,235 17,666 18,196 18,742
<br />Fines & forfeitures 40,754 40,239 36,338 40,000 41,000 42,025 43,286 44,584
<br />Interest (315,747) 521,224 112,669 125,000 126,250 127,670 129,585 131,853
<br />Miscellaneous 382,921 344,077 321,188 268,844 275,565 282,454 290,928 299,656
<br />Transfers:3%3%3%3%3%3%3%
<br /> Water Fund 67,372 69,393 - 73,619 75,828 78,102 80,445 82,859
<br /> Sewer Fund 53,361 54,962 56,611 58,309 60,058 61,860 63,716 65,627
<br /> Street Light Fund 2,390 2,462 2,536 2,612 2,690 2,771 2,854 2,940
<br /> Storm Water Fund 6,959 7,168 7,383 7,604 7,832 8,067 8,309 8,558
<br /> DARE Fund - - 4,643 - - - - -
<br /> Vehicle & Equipment Fund 23,736 38,316 21,000 22,000 23,000 19,000 24,000 24,000
<br />Debt issued (lease)- - 246,729 - - - - -
<br /> Total revenues 5,345,618 6,542,216 6,528,643 6,202,521 6,377,339 6,573,360 6,794,897 7,018,988
<br />22.38%-0.21%-5.00%2.82%3.07%3.37%3.30%
<br />Operating Expenditures:
<br />Legislative Services:
<br />City Council 42,644 46,030 47,114 51,565 52,854 54,175 55,801 57,475
<br />Advisory Commissions 8,117 14,315 8,720 15,100 15,478 15,864 16,340 16,831
<br /> Subtotal 50,761 60,345 55,834 66,665 68,332 70,040 72,141 74,305
<br />Administrative Services:
<br />City Administrator 233,463 231,848 271,214 281,882 288,929 296,152 305,037 314,188
<br />Elections 19,955 20,053 22,323 25,700 26,343 27,001 27,811 28,645
<br />Finance 215,857 232,173 246,268 257,362 263,796 270,391 278,503 286,858
<br />Central Services 200,970 207,551 216,482 242,986 249,061 255,287 262,946 270,834
<br /> Subtotal 670,245 691,625 756,287 807,930 828,128 848,831 874,296 900,525
<br />Community Development 323,696 341,593 353,381 382,720 392,288 402,095 414,158 426,583
<br />Police 2,433,361 2,481,263 2,710,053 2,747,111 2,815,789 2,886,183 2,972,769 3,061,952
<br />Fire 298,217 339,428 378,210 392,683 402,500 412,563 424,939 437,688
<br />Public Works Administration 129,700 141,537 113,779 138,341 141,800 145,345 149,705 154,196 1