Fund: 700 Department: 4820 Billing Services
<br />Account Description 2014 2015 2016 2017 Description
<br />1600 Supplies, operating 50 50 50 50 Utility billing supplies
<br />50 50 50 50
<br />3030 Other professional services 6,977 7,742 7,889 8,036 24.5% of audit fee (2017 - $32,800, 2018 - $33,400)
<br />800 - - - Inserting & mailing bills (move to 3300)
<br />400 400 400 400 County special assessment maintenance fee
<br />8,177 8,142 8,289 8,436
<br />3300 Postage 3,136 3,136 3,136 3,072 3200 bills X $0.48 postage X 4 billings X 1/2 cost
<br />- 800 800 800 Inserting & mailing bills (moved from 3030)
<br />460 490 441 480 Late notices: 500 bills X $0.48 postage X 4 billings X 1/2 cost
<br />3,596 4,426 4,377 4,352
<br />3430 Printing 450 450 450 450 Utility bills (1/2 cost)
<br />450 450 450 450 Envelopes
<br />900 900 900 900
<br />3630 Training 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Seminars on new regulations, software updates, etc. INCODE training
<br />1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500
<br />5130 Repairs, equipment 3,506 3,682 3,866 4,060 INCODE software maintenance support (30%)
<br />- 475 475 - Neptune software maintenance (1/2 in sewer)(every 3 years)(2019)
<br />369 388 388 388 Handheld interface support for meter readers (1/2 in sewer)(Incode)
<br />3,875 4,545 4,729 4,448
<br />8040 Continuing Disclosure 1,200 - - - Annual debt disclosure requirements and Ramsey county sp. Assmt. Fees
<br />1,200 - - -
<br />9900 Transfers out 69,393 71,475 73,619 75,828 Transfer to General Fund for administrative overhead costs
<br />60,000 58,000 64,000 64,000 Transfer to Vehicle & Equipment Fund to fund future purchases
<br />129,393 129,475 137,619 139,828
<br />148,691 149,038 157,464 159,514
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