Fund: 100 Department: 4200 Police (continued)
<br />Account Description 2007 2008 2009 Description
<br />3430 Printing 1,500 1,200 1,200 Dept manual, Emergency management manual, business cards,
<br />1,500 1,200 1,200
<br />3610 Memberships 90 90 - A.L.E.R.T. International
<br />125 125 100 American Assoc. of Police Polygraphers
<br />100 100 100 Assoc. Metro Emergency Managers
<br />35 35 35 FBI/LEEDA Law Enfor. Execu. Devel. Assoc. 1@ $35
<br />60 60 - Tri-County Investigator Association
<br />45 45 45 Mn Crime Prevention Association
<br />35 35 35 Mn DARE Officers Association
<br />100 100 30 MN Emergency Managers Assoc.
<br />80 80 - MN Juvenile Officer Assoc 2@ $40
<br />150 150 200 Mn Police chiefs
<br />100 100 129 IACP (International Association of Chief of Police)
<br />36 36 36 MN Sex Crime Investigators Assoc.
<br />30 30 30 Natl. Assoc. School Resource Officers
<br />35 35 35 National DARE Officers Association
<br />40 40 40 Notary commission (3 year due in 2009)
<br />630 630 630 POST license reimbursement 7 @ $90
<br />40 40 30 Prof. Law Enforcement Admin. Assoc.
<br />25 25 25 National Association of Town Watch
<br />1,756 1,756 1,500
<br />3630 Training 850 850 900 MN Chief's conference - Chief & Dep Chief @ $450
<br />200 200 200 BCA/CJDN training
<br />320 320 320 Intox certification
<br />1,000 1,000 1,000 Range Rental
<br />750 750 750 Juvenal Officer conference
<br />300 300 300 Emergency Management Conference
<br />750 750 500 MN Sex Crimes Investigators Assoc Conference
<br />4,000 3,000 4,000 Tuition reimbursement
<br />2,200 2,200 1,200 Supervisor training
<br />1,200 1,200 600 Emergency Management training
<br />3,500 2,500 2,100 Employee development courses
<br />2,670 2,670 2,670 Post training for 6 officers at Century College
<br />17,740 15,740 14,540
<br />4010 Rental, equipment 2,700 2,700 - Copy machine 2007 rate $174.99 X 1.03 =$180.25/mo or $2163/year
<br />2,700 2,700 -
<br />4800 Insurance & bonds 19,598 18,000 17,000 Liability and automotive insurance
<br />2,000 3,500 4,500 Allowance for insurance policy deductibles
<br />21,598 21,500 21,500
<br />5100 Technology - maintenance 1,500 2,000 2,000 Miscellaneous repairs
<br />agreements & support - - 1,200 Copier maintenance + overages (3 yr locked agreement thru March 2011)
<br />30,864 32,407 32,407 Operating costs of police records management system
<br />32,364 34,407 35,607
<br />5130 Maintenance, equipment 2,085 1,900 1,900 Misc. equipment repair - defibs, cameras, recorders, fax, printers.
<br />1,000 1,000 - Car washing
<br />450 450 450 Fire extinguisher recharging
<br />1,500 2,000 1,500 Squad mobil digital computer repairs
<br />2,000 50 500 Civil Defense siren repair & maintenance (all 3 have been replaced 06,07,08)
<br />3,000 1,500 1,500 Radio repair
<br />2,960 2,450 3,190 800 MHZ radio licenses fees 37@ 7.18 per month
<br />12,995 9,350 9,040
<br />7030 Equipment 7,800 8,800 8,000 2 replacement squad mobile computers
<br />2,500 2,500 2,500 Light bar & Siren
<br />1,500 - - Paper shredder
<br />- 1,050 1,100 (1) Taser
<br />- - - In Squad Cameras for patrol squads (move to Forfieture fund 5,000)
<br />- 3,200 - (1) Radar
<br />11,800 15,550 11,600
<br />7040 Vehicles - Patrol 52,000 58,000 58,000 Two squads $23,000 + set-up $6000.
<br />52,000 58,000 58,000
<br />350,575 360,865 375,298
<br />2.94% 4.00%
<br />07/30/2008 1:27 PM17