<br />Prstinut#}_l ba bndlgd ttie
<br />_tadtlen Lake Rua
<br />an the €oLith Vy Coii:ity Arad H {iii the W49t, by. tho city's -_
<br />weati_f n corporate 1 bait*, and an f,ie north I�y County Aosd N-6 j =
<br />Precinct 4 On]] br- iwunded -in the onrt by the r-ity's canto-rn
<br />cgrporr.,�v iiftats, on '-ham Pouth by n lin €ollfiwing the
<br />city's corporate l imi is commcnci,ia at I_ soutl%,istcrn
<br />most corner € t tlil. etty then leadi.n# wastward aid thence
<br />northward to Cointy Read 0 and thaiwo westward to Long -
<br />i:tlko goad, -n the west by Lona LAO Road, and on the north _
<br />by County non" n=Fp
<br />Prec1inr-t S *hall hc, hnundod nn thr- viot by thr, t4ty's eastern
<br />limits, on the mouth by County Road 11-2, on the southwest
<br />by n liar follnwina old 'Drunk Ilinhway 10 from its intersection
<br />with County toad ii -a to it# Int"section with It`d��wcsod
<br />Drive, an the west by Fdr t Iwnod Orivo, and on the north by
<br />County RoNd 11
<br />;.r''t'°,�►;t;� f .i:'e .. . �f' _ - . {'-; { ,! � -..
<br />`; j'I + i tf. t � i !r
<br />T�
<br />hi_ t a
<br />1711ERIAfl, -i'0U11t. ifft;i {%i �•it+ liUg
<br />Y! V ri=g to
<br />j-rovirlr orinvot;lent ,i-1 t.r'; .. I.1 elIIf- :°r lnI"'t)-;+rl{til
<br />for 1-1t
<br />vote -riff �jld i1i '.01lply
<br />WHEREAS, Couni-I1 finis t -lilt the r;►_ il"iur..--.7:r-
<br />i
<br />precincts 1n jogs than -tf3F: thousai nd rt-AINty.-ud
<br />iJoturn,
<br />N(#W, THl'htF't)AF , fir. IT PVII'(,i,VF P by i -),r= Council of thr. City t3 of
<br />Moundli Vtrw that there Miall rhe iiovt—��
<br />prrcincta in the
<br />City described as followpi
<br />Precinct 1 shall lie bounded on the vast by
<br />i-#ratwuoJ Rv0-Ii,
<br />on the south by old Trui-A iiiuilw=y l0j oti
<br />*hp wept by the
<br />city's WeNtern s+OrpnrRtt- l in i ts, And on
<br />the n"rth by
<br />County hjad I!
<br />Psecinot 2 nhall be houii(letO, on the enst by
<br />old Trunk Hi+;hw"y
<br />10, on iAia aouth by County Road 11-2, on
<br />tLe west by i he
<br />city's western corporate limits, and on
<br />the north by &
<br />fc-flowi nit the City's norporate- 1 in'i to rammer elne? at Vhe
<br />intersection of .P7easanY VAuw Drive And
<br />Hillview. Road than
<br />leading eaetward at.l Lliarcv nor.LiiwaLd to
<br />old Trunk Hiciway 10i
<br />Prstinut#}_l ba bndlgd ttie
<br />_tadtlen Lake Rua
<br />an the €oLith Vy Coii:ity Arad H {iii the W49t, by. tho city's -_
<br />weati_f n corporate 1 bait*, and an f,ie north I�y County Aosd N-6 j =
<br />Precinct 4 On]] br- iwunded -in the onrt by the r-ity's canto-rn
<br />cgrporr.,�v iiftats, on '-ham Pouth by n lin €ollfiwing the
<br />city's corporate l imi is commcnci,ia at I_ soutl%,istcrn
<br />most corner € t tlil. etty then leadi.n# wastward aid thence
<br />northward to Cointy Read 0 and thaiwo westward to Long -
<br />i:tlko goad, -n the west by Lona LAO Road, and on the north _
<br />by County non" n=Fp
<br />Prec1inr-t S *hall hc, hnundod nn thr- viot by thr, t4ty's eastern
<br />limits, on the mouth by County Road 11-2, on the southwest
<br />by n liar follnwina old 'Drunk Ilinhway 10 from its intersection
<br />with County toad ii -a to it# Int"section with It`d��wcsod
<br />Drive, an the west by Fdr t Iwnod Orivo, and on the north by
<br />County RoNd 11
<br />