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Resolution 0908
City Council
00500 - 00999 (1970-1979)
Resolution 0908
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Last modified
10/30/2019 8:47:57 AM
Creation date
7/17/2018 7:44:48 AM
MV City Council
City Council Document Type
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I kl 'tilt <br />,W)v it', I I i <br />Page <br />tnUlneer Hubbard 'LtAtf-d MA! .1 Wit'll ibs; hAd lit�V-h t6 11,Q rity JWD or three <br />Y@PrS earlier but th4t it d1d n,,,t riave !hr rcqufrrO M. <br />Councilmember Ziebhrtt� tt�kcd if there had been any drainage probligns with Ve lot, <br />Englne,jr Hubbard repiled that "ere liavr not been ony report" problems. Lia added <br />that tKiet w!q 1 �jou�@ or, the , <br />jr)t at ont, tjft,� <br />Mr, Siodin itated that h v I s mr- r a I- a Sk I F49 f [If 41 FFF r-Ubei V i & i C`1 Ith (I I I r16t JA <br />favor of & moraLorium or. the une 1*0-t. And -that he does oteet all tht 10981 r*4uirO- <br />Monts for a minor subdivision. <br />Councilmembor Baumgartner polnW out. that Lite fttur�aturlufh' woult) be on the lot that <br />Kr. S-Jodin did not p4n to build on, I 'Ouncilmember Ziobarth added that if Mr. <br />Nodin decides to build to tht- South of' lot A. ht. would land lock the itit of lot a. <br />Attorney Mayor$ Stated t4t the Knollwood extension 4uostion had boon befers the <br />COuncil severe) times and that the Council had decided there would be no further <br />action until a petition was received with 35", lie added that the City would have <br />t, be in a Planning process under the Comprehensive Plan in ot Jor to-4sclare a valid <br />Voiwaturium ur, that thu 1tr-iperty had otner physicai problowns that would affect the <br />Public hedith, safety and welfare. <br />MSP (Zisbarth-Pickar) to approve the subdivision request of Ken Sjodin. 6 <br />SM AHJUDIR HiMAN WLAR t�61 i j ON <br />Mr. Knrf of Horte sod Rider explained that they would like to put on a 301 x <br />-warehouse addition to their preogilt building. <br />_MV Mickar 0*_ at) to Apo m_& th -4 rt vast Df -Moru and Aider Western Vear- <br />IvWittfit, at recommenditJ TOM _1411 ion and Stiff and 400t <br />by V4 P ng Co -W <br />Resolulion-NO, 908 Butioriling ext cution nif Wvolipme"t Agreement 16-14. - Vj" <br />W -4y questioned w4 a �onJ amat had -not betn i I uded for the. <br />11C <br />IIAW Pitkar- repi led that he fol t a bond for Ifoo in$ 'A very 151mor <br />dstgilv� COU"611141"Or Rowley stattd that it thould than be explained whith <br />items the bonding would have cover,14, <br />_94tr Pickar stated ths, the items Staff had recommended would be included in <br />A d#Y*I*Pftnt #or,itment and that the bond.would not be required because of tm <br />-011111M amounti and since vic city had not had aAy problems with the ifty0swilt <br />Zr,-. <br />in the past. <br />192MIAL, DEVELOPMENT A E DON F WING - CONU UT AGDDAUAI <br />Attorney 14y#rs reported that two di)PliCAUM for indliltria-, Sevolopmnt reyknue <br />tvnd funding had been submitted for Midway Industrial SUPPIY company And An <br />office warehouse dovelap*ent for john and Bruce Th@60119A. Attorney Mayor& omploind <br />that this would be in the nature Of Att industrial revenue bond or mortgage where <br />the Parties Would build In the City and be financo� by a tax -fro# bond, He Added <br />that the purpose of the bond would be to allow the doyfloper to build 44 tM Citys <br />PrWide Jobs and for the w#IfAr-# of the City and provide a tax bass. He added <br />that thor# would be no tax lovied If the Parties defouittdo but in the event of a <br />default, the CitY'l name would Appear. The request would also hAV# to be ApPrOVId <br />by the Comittionjr of Industrial Devolopmont for the $tote, <br />
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