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<br />a �_i _pec i a I n E_ F_ n t w i i i I t a v t h r- r w J: u t t, v r iro n V y V; v r
<br />rf-vi—ilt— 1,1 va �j (,(I r t hl� of f;11 I(i add i I j (-,I I il I OW I
<br />9'a L 1 C) n S W I i I pr u_ 1 1, r uve iiii:1 i. c u - t i ., u V1. 1 1, un t I t I
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<br />--a t on -I ad v�-, lot cm t a x e -a nper i al obtietirments and Ftvne-B
<br />or r�,'/vniif--s so 1) 10-61 ri 0, d , I vv i r -O 11 r AqrtInd to be, I fv I od nil A I I
<br />he irrevoc�,hly appropr i a t ud t o t ho Bond 1 -kind In the 111antior
<br />pr ov ided by mi wiebut 11 �L; t a
<br />a - i fy - r eby
<br />4 , fl) 44 tif Optivi I! c nttT . I hL
<br />_LLL�_ - rz TI.f
<br />covcnantt; and tijr�mer. that 0.' n r paymont of thn. cort. of tile
<br />Improve-mv,itr- i I W I . I 1 0") "tift pvi i orm a I ) actFi iinrl thingni
<br />riecebti,iry for tj,e rull ,I,.! ItV j 7 L.' (it 114,-V"iLl " 1. L: C 1'. G
<br />menta against all aLanuaable luL"., Uat:L�o ind payee -I., uL
<br />laricl tioneritod the:vby and within Lho area proposod
<br />L �o 1, i�t a ti av _- �! ed L I, i� r t� f v i , h ;A 4 o J i0l',011 L 11 e b e n e f I ts r eceived by
<br />each euch I Ot , tract or parcP1 i in an aggirpqAto prinir-Apal
<br />amount not lenn than which in not ler;s than 20%
<br />of the cost of the Ixprovppionth, In tho avant that any much
<br />asbc-ritiment ii h a.11 I be iit any tim,@ h@10 invalid with rerjp@ct to
<br />any I nt , p -c-�7 or pnrcul of land, due to any �rror, defect
<br />or IrrveulariLy in oily action or proceeding taken di to be
<br />taken by tt,o Clt� or this Council or ony of the City'r-off; ' -
<br />cers or cipployet-m, either in th--making of su,has-sesament
<br />or in the/performanco of Any conditthn Precedent tborotof -
<br />the City anti thic Council b, -re by covenant and igroo triaL
<br />the will forthwith 110 411 ni-oh 1LrL),@r acts and take all
<br />RUN further, PreIttedIngt of& mh� be rOqjtrVA by law tb ma:R 0
<br />Pucti #a * n a m a m v n t 4 a v a I I o a v J - 'I- i nd L' n J* I 4L v n upo ni n uch g r opu r -
<br />ty, .9aid asseamworitz shall be Pa 4.n not Mr re an
<br />n ,
<br />4 Tablo
<br />10 enual. consuctitive, a no I ristallirents, the ifirmi ut
<br />to r�c- co.11ectible with toxclu durin5- the
<br />YIPAr 14172� Or-,fprred inst-Allmprits shall bcar itiLeresit at t1io
<br />rate percent per ann,.jm from the date of tho r000lu-
<br />tton I@vy1nq Said mnfleemm-rit until Pe-"mher 31 of the ynar
<br />ill which LhV i"BLOIlItIvill iL' P01,4110.
<br />I , -�ull �'aith rind Credit Nc-dged. J%e full faith
<br />4 u*;, I
<br />Ond C r Pl I t of tho c I t Y a r tid;jed f or the
<br />prompt and fu 11 payment -or thf, rr I ricipal of and Intereat an
<br />tho Rondn, nnil tho hr�ndrt rihni 1 he paya!)IP from he Itond Fund
<br />in accoidatwo with the 1�rvvininnn �nd roveriants unritninvil in
<br />this t emol tit Intl. it in efttimated that the spovial acaursa-
<br />fft e h t a lovied and to br, Ivvira ror thv p-r4ymunt of tile
<br />-1 U_
<br />