1, 1, T
<br />I T j. t i
<br />.M.. � - . f �' 1 ; - .1; � I'; . . :i ', i:
<br />1% C' -miWi
<br />PF_.j I v t r ,I t I rin i it c v r k 11 - 1 1 1 f= r I, t' o r 1 1.
<br />C I U fl. �j t It U I i' I A �1 I i I u f i cr�r t j f i od C 47111
<br />tht s ronol ut ion t,, tf t rh P hondito, Of pflwt.'�y 0 -in t
<br />t ocivtnpr w I th _ uc I i othur t t I r� W !.ia L 1 On rJ5 I,- 001 1 It -�- (10 1 01
<br />it P (i t (.) (ij* t a 1 n f f c� C nu r, t --,� Aud I t t3 r a f i C a t
<br />the Bonds havo boon ant0i Ld 01-1 hib bthd F"9JFtfg*' 0� f I M
<br />by ltW.
<br />I
<br />0 L, , - - - Th I, r f f i r r. rj f
<br />i f j 1- j r (if, ' Pil i nq to
<br />thf, (_itv anil tho COUMtY AIM)tcr of kl"Jell ('0kil"It illky h(Iti-oh,
<br />author i-.vid anj dirtctc;d- to prepare nrid turninh to M& P-Ul--
<br />chaSer uf th" Hondu, an�i tt, tjjf, nrlorlivyf; rendetiliq an clilli-
<br />joij af. Lo Lho loqal iLy of Iho 11--110iince' there0f, CCU t -1f iL-d
<br />coples nf All, prt-t-dill,41, i4j,k) jecutUM 01 t -be LILY, and hUCII
<br />othvr affidavits, certificates and infotmattifin &S finthy be
<br />rii I quired to show the t1jetti 1-(-latinq ti- the JugaliLy, and mar-
<br />ketability of the Honda as the riame appear Lrom the books
<br />and records und@r thv*r cuatoo— and control or an otherwise
<br />known to Lhem, and all ruch curtifted copiest certificaton
<br />and affidavitfi, includinq any heretofore furnichad, shAllba
<br />deemed r ?prosentutionn of the City As to thp facts reciton
<br />thill i I' A It .
<br />6,us, coijenant city co�,�aants ano igreen
<br />w.th the hol-dei L� from trlr.e- to tilim of. the Bonds that it will
<br />oat ta-ke or perMit to be taken by any Of it�V, 6ffiC*FF# Offi-
<br />playeer or rUpntr riny nrtjon whir'i wb0d eause tht- intoreat
<br />.on ,he Bondr, co beconte rubject to Uxation undor the Intor-
<br />na! Revenue - C bd v of A54, - as alvir-,nded (th 00@),. and rog.olo-
<br />e C J
<br />tions,-&moneed regulations and prjosQd rcqutations issued A
<br />A
<br />thereunder. ;,a now extstin4 or an are.nafter amm-nded or
<br />proponed And in Pffnet at/the time of such action.
<br />6.04. InVestIment ot Moneys on
<br />-Apposit 4,n bind
<br />fur�d. Unle-nS, ani unM—EFFO '_r_Fo`s_-9-a—re-7qq�-=T-a-t ons under $cc-
<br />t7L—cin 103(c) of the rud#_- which have bogn publiuhud by tho
<br />inturnal govenon flarice prior 0 the date hereof have been
<br />modifieJ or amended in pettincrit part, the-Clolk-Adminiatra-
<br />tor rhall arief-rutin monthly the nitiount on deposit In the
<br />Bond Fund, If tho AtfloW)L 01-i dt-TOSIt therein ever exceoda by
<br />morn than P[16,_iVuA nitU
<br />o f rom t ho nrind P'tind wi thin I I months
<br />thVttaftel. rtit-11 Pxcerktt ijiliall tint he Invested except at a
<br />yield lu"n than or eqd--1 to tiie y1eld On Lhe Bondn, bartil
<br />upon their nmountn, maturities anfl intoret" tates on their
<br />-1�-
<br />