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Resolution 0944
City Council
00500 - 00999 (1970-1979)
Resolution 0944
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10/30/2019 8:59:27 AM
Creation date
7/17/2018 7:44:54 AM
MV City Council
City Council Document Type
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M - <br />j�i �-, -I,, '?� If �, -1 " 4 <br />UtMINTY k 1-1 L 1, <br />III f <br />Mi <br />vl'c�w ht�ld fit. <br />the- Mo und A V 1 ow C j ty Ilit I 1 2-1401 H-kj!1jWdY 10, MoLjlidn Vinw, M i IT n C-9 n t. a <br />55112, with tho roll-Awinq Mei'mers preNefit. <br />Mayor "'. ok a r Ct �1 I W 1 1 Mi Ml- t? 1- 5� ISti LIMt ii I- t I jl-x I t; , Rijk4l If-, 1, d) I <br />�- j abn rt I - <br />and the fo-1116wing mgmLorg amapht <br />member 4ieharth Moved the followinq renalution: <br />A RESOLUTION VACATINC. HIGIM4Y EASMENT <br />DATED APRTL 6, 195H, RECORDED APRIL 21, <br />1959 AS DOCUMLP14T NO. 1452370, AS IT <br />PERTAIN& TO TIM BE"I AMMON P -T- AT <br />AND OTHER PROPrPTIES <br />whereas, the city council has received a ruqu*st from <br />RiV91 Construction Company, owner aohn R. Riggs, for the vacation <br />of a highway 0AXOMOnt datind April 0. 19SR An it nertains to the <br />Berwyn Addition and other propertiael and <br />fl <br />Whereas, pursuunt to the provimions of Minnanots Statutus <br />41;.851 notice W418 published and posted two weeks pronedinq the <br />hoarl"et h*14 nii November 13, 1970 at 7i%'v- p."I* CST. <br />Now, tAere-foref be it resolved 4# folIC401 <br />I - Ale City Covmc-il hflr4by irdera thl vacAtion of <br />Vis hiqbway -easam"t dated. -1NpiIti,j 0# 1951 a <br />scribed sj;- Folltwei <br />Coinmencing at a po-Int oil the W. lAne of the BE l'4 <br />cl the SW 1/4 of Aac. 8, T * 36i R. 23 at a distahou <br />of 7i6l, a$ ft. a. of the N� CZ4/;er of 0*14 ON 1/4 <br />of SW 1/0 thence in 0 Nlly direction a distauce <br />of 107 ft. to a pointl thence in &-W-Ilv dirart.ion <br />a distance of 2U ft I thence fii a 811v direction <br />a distance of 135 ft., thence in a SPIly direction <br />to the point of beginning and th-s-re torminatinq. <br />And the uAid giantors for thuelt js*Jrx, executors <br />and missigns do themselves hereby rolease the <br />Township of Mounds view its successors and assiqns, <br />from all claims for any and all damages resultinq to <br />the lands through and across which the parcel of <br />land hereby conveyed is lonated by reason of the <br />location, qrading, construction, maintenance and usa <br />of a Public! hinhwav ,or and upon and thp rpmnvrl <br />of materials from this promises-ho-reby conveyed and <br />!rom the uses inci4ant thereto, and the Township ot <br />Mounds Vi*w shall have the riqht to/use And remove <br />earth and other materials lying within tho parcel <br />
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