<br /> R
<br /> • L.
<br /> ••
<br /> 226. 227 V _ . 347.46
<br /> r veht 347.45 Tire equipment. (1) All automobiles, (3)The authority in charge of maintenance of
<br /> safety motor trucks,motor buses,truck tractors,trail- the highway in question may,in its discretion,
<br /> ata of - ers,semitrailers and mobile homes when oper- issue a special permit authorizing operation
<br /> ated upon a highway shall be completely upon such highway of a vehicle the operation of t---
<br /> r glass equipped with tires inflated with compressed air which would otherwise be prohibited under this -
<br /> iais as and all other motor vehicles when operated on a section.
<br /> sheet highway shall be equipped with tires of rubber (4) No person shall knowingly operate on
<br /> try to or of some material or construction of equal any highway any vehicle on which any tire has
<br /> or by resiliency. No person may operate on a high- been regrooved or recut or offer such tire for
<br /> oken. way any motor vehicle, trailer, semitrailer or sale or exchange. This subsection chail not
<br /> Wing mobile home having any metal tire in contact apply to regrooved or recut commercial vehicle
<br /> office with the roadway, except that tire chains of tires which are designed and constructed in such
<br /> con- reasonable proportions may be used when re- a manner that regrooving or recutting is an
<br /> f this quircd for safety because of snow,ice or other acceptable and safe practice,nor does this sub-
<br /> such conditions tending to cause a vehicle to skid, section apply to regrooving or recutting done in
<br /> r the . and except as provided in sub. (2)(c). a tire recapping process.
<br /> ss as (2)No person shall operate on a highway any 187.History: 1973 c.338;1977 c.29 s.1654(7)(a);1985 a.
<br /> vehicle, including farm tractors, self-propelled
<br /> 985 a- farm implements, implements of husbandry, _ 347.455 Modifications to height of vehicle.
<br /> animal-drawn vehicles and road machinery, if (1)Except as further provided in this section,no
<br />!root such vehicle has on the periphery of any of its person may operate any vehicle on a highway if .. 1
<br /> ether tires any block, stud, flange, cleat, spike or modifications have been made to the suspen- : I
<br /> ul as other protuberance of any material other than sion system,axles or chassis of the vehicle which T.`
<br /> rubber which projects beyond the tread of the cause any portion of the vehicle to ride more
<br /> ody,
<br /> traction surface of the tire,except that: than 4 inches above or below the height of the ;t
<br /> 11 be (a)Farm tractors,self-propelled farm imple- vehicle specified by the manufacturer. The
<br /> bus ments, implements of husbandry, animal- height of the vehicle shall be measured from the
<br /> u of drawn vehicles and road machinery may be level surface on which the vehicle stands.
<br /> operated with metal tires or tires having prow- (2) If the modification is for the purpose of
<br /> and • bcrances which will not injure the highway:and strengthening or improving handling,modifica-
<br /> lack (b) Tire chains of reasonable proportions tions may be made to the suspension system,
<br />!oth may be used on any vehicle when required for axles or chassis of a 4-wheel drive vehicle or a
<br /> in a safety because of snow,ice or other conditions motor truck which has a gross weight of not
<br /> tending to cause a vehicle to skid. more than 8,000 pounds which cause the vehicle
<br />;56) (c)A pneumatic tire may have embedded in it to ride 5 or less inches above or below the height
<br />. If wire or wire coils for improving traction on ice of the vehicle specified by the manufacturer.
<br /> the and snow,but such tire cha Il be so constructed The height of the vehicle shall be measured from
<br /> re- that the per cent of wire or wire coils in contact the level surface on which the vehicle stands. t=
<br /> irt- with the roadway does not exceed,after the first (3)A 4-wheel drive vehicle or a motor truck
<br /> 1,000 miles of use or operation,5%of the total which has a gross weight of not more than 8,000
<br /> tire area in contact with the roadway. During pounds maybe modified to use a tire and wheel
<br /> vay the first 1,000 miles of use or operation of any size which exceeds the wheel and tire size speci-
<br /> de- such tire the wire or wire coils in contact with fled by the manufacturer for the vehicle by up to
<br /> 10the roadway shall not exceed 20% the total 4 inches in radius.
<br /> ith tire area in contact with the roadway. Tires
<br /> History: 1981 c.216.
<br /> nipped with.tungsten carbide stud: shall be347.45 Fenders and mudguards.(1)No per-
<br /> he limited in usage and design as follows:
<br /> c is son shall operate a vehicle of the tractor type on
<br /> To_ 1. The department shall, by rule, designate a highway unless the driving wheels of such t
<br /> Methe times of year during which any type.of fire vehicle are protected by suitable fenders.
<br /> described in this paragraph may be used. (2) No person shall operate on a highway in
<br /> ng 2.Such tires may be used only on authorized intercity movement any privately owned motor
<br /> ed emergency vehicles,vehicles used to deliver mail truck or privately owned semitrailer drawn by a
<br /> he and automobiles with out-of-state registrations truck tractor, except those motor trucks and
<br /> and then only if such automobile is in the course semitrailers equipped with dump bodies,unless
<br /> or of passing through this state for a period of not such motor truck or semitrailer is equipped with
<br /> or more than 30 days. rear fenders or mudguards of such material and
<br /> . 3. Such studs shall not project more than so constructed and placed as to•restrict to a
<br />:7) one-eighth inch beyond the tread surface of the minimum the splashing of water,mud or other
<br /> tire. - material which may be thrown by the rear .i,
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