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111 MEMO TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL <br /> FROM: ADMINISTRATION SECRETARY/DEPUTY CLERK `10' 'SON <br /> DATE: OCTOBER 11, 1990 <br /> SUBJECT: RESOLUTION NO. 3098 AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 3056 <br /> Please find attached a Resolution No. 3098 Amending Resolution <br /> No. 3056 Establishing a Uniform Schedule of Fees and Charges . <br /> Resolution No. 3056 was adopted by the City Council on August <br /> 27, 1990. The resolution was passed on to staff so they could <br /> begin to adjust their records for the January 1, 1991 <br /> effective date. It was noted by staff that the resolution <br /> contained some typographical errors as well as ommissions and <br /> some areas needed clarification. <br /> Resolution No. 3098 corrects those discrepancies. <br /> RECOMMENDATION: <br /> Staff recommends Council Approve Resolution No. 3098 which <br /> amends Resolution No. 3056 which established a uniform <br /> schedule of fees and charges. <br /> 411 <br /> /mjs <br />