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the Property, which percentage shall vary from time to time <br /> and equal that City's "Historical Share" , hereafter <br /> described. For the years 1970 through 1990 the total <br /> capital costs under the Contract and its predecessor <br /> agreements or arrangements amounted to $1, 332,566, of which <br /> Blaine contributed $857, 694 (64.36%) , Mounds View <br /> contributed $294, 205 (22 . 08%) , and Spring Lake Park <br /> contributed $180;667 (13 . 56%) . Those Historical Shares <br /> shall be recomputed for each year based upon each Cities' <br /> additional contributions made pursuant to this Agreement. <br /> (F) Consent and_Approval . For purposes of determining <br /> majority consent at the Administrative Committee level, or <br /> at the City Council level, each City shall have voting <br /> rights which equal its percentage share under the Formula <br /> at the time such decision is made, with each such decision <br /> being made on the basis of 50% + approval. <br /> (G) Bonding. For the purpose of defraying the expense of <br /> the acquisition, construction, furnishing, and betterment <br /> of land, buildings, and equipment for municipal fire <br /> protection and firefighting purposes, the Cities believe it <br /> to be in their best interest that approximately $4 , 450,000 <br /> of bonds be issued. It is anticipated that such bonds <br /> • would be issued by Blaine and would be general obligations <br /> of that City. Each City's share of the debt service on <br /> such bonds, or on any other obligations issued pursuant to <br /> this Agreement, shall from year to year equal that City's <br /> Formula percentage for that year multiplied by the total <br /> amount of debt service due on such obligations in said <br /> year. No bonds shall be issued or other capital costs <br /> incurred under this Agreement without the majority consent <br /> and approval of the Cities, as described in paragraph <br /> III (F) above. The annual budget for fire protection <br /> services to the Cities under this Agreement shall be <br /> presented for review and approval to each of the City <br /> Councils; provided, however, that in making all decisions <br /> under this Agreement, including those described above, the <br /> Administrative Committee shall make recommendations. <br /> (H) Duration of Agreement. This Agreement shall remain in <br /> effect for an indefinite term. <br /> (I) germination of Agreement. This Agreement shall be <br /> terminated within one year after the City Council of one of <br /> the Cities notifies the other Cities by resolution of its <br /> intent to withdraw from participating in this Joint Powers <br /> Agreement. The notice of intent to withdraw must be given <br /> one year in advance of the proposed termination date. Upon <br /> receipt of a notice of intent to withdraw, the <br /> -3- <br />