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DATE APPROVED: 1/8/90 <br /> PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL :AP41' <br /> flVED <br /> CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW -; <br /> . RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br /> Annual City Council Meeting <br /> January 2, 1990 <br /> Mounds View City Hall <br /> 2401 Highway 10, Mounds View, MN 55112 <br /> The Mounds View City Council was called 1 . Call to order <br /> to order by Mayor Sue Hankner at 7: 01 <br /> P.M. <br /> MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Hankner, Council- 2. Roll Call <br /> members Blanchard, Wuori, Quick <br /> MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilmember Paone <br /> ALSO PRESENT: Clerk-Administrator Pauley, <br /> Finance Director Brager , Public Works <br /> Director Minetor and Public Works Foreman <br /> Mike Ulrich <br /> Clerk-Administrator Pauley reviewed Res. <br /> • No. 2567 and requested Council direction <br /> regarding the naming of an official <br /> newspaper and acting mayor . After <br /> discussion it was agreed that the official <br /> newspaper would be the New Brighton <br /> Bulletin and that the Acting Mayor would <br /> be Councilmember Phyllis Blanchard. <br /> MOTION/SECOND: Quick/Wuori to approve 3. Adopt Res . <br /> Resolution No. 2567 as presented with No. 2567 <br /> the official newspaper being the New <br /> Brighton Bulletin and the Acting Mayor <br /> being Phyllis Blanchard . <br /> 4 ayes 0 nays Motion <br /> Carried <br /> Mayor Hankner then called for the <br /> consideration of Resolution No. 2568 <br /> rescheduling City Council Meetings <br /> falling on legal holidays. <br /> MOTION/SECOND: Wuori/Blanchard moved 4. Adopt Res . <br /> to approve Resolution No. 2568. No. 2568 <br /> 4 ayes 0 nays Motion <br /> • Carried <br />