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From:DAVID OLSON HOME Fox;104.1011 Voice.7846111 To:JOYCE PRINTT hag 2 oft Wotlmsdry,how 12,1966 6:J1:10 PM <br /> MOUNDS VIEW CITY HALL <br /> 2401 HIGHWAY 10 <br /> MOUNDS VIEW,MN. <br /> RE: CROSS OF GLORY CHURCH <br /> ATT:JOYCE PRUITT: <br /> As per our phone conversation on the 12 th of June I am including the information <br /> you requested. - <br /> 1.The office space on the drawing would be occupied by only three people.The <br /> church Pastor,secretary and Associate in Christian Education.All but the Pastor are part <br /> time employees.The secretary and A.C.E.would only use the offices during the week. <br /> 2.We have grades K thru 6,Youth and one Pre School all of which are held <br /> between our regular worship services.We also will have one of the meeting rooms as a <br /> designated nursery room.The nursery would be occupied during worship services. <br /> 3. Main worship area has 287.8 lineal feet of seating.The choir has 21 individual <br /> chairs.This should help you in determining the parking requirements which are required <br /> by the city. /rJ-GrSor to-f7r 22" <br /> The rooms that are designated as meeting rooms may not always be used for <br /> Youth Education.This all depends on the number of children we have in our membership. <br /> If you need any additional information please fill free to call.Please call pager <br /> number 538-0515. Thank you. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> David F.Olson <br /> Const.Committee Chair <br />