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• � �. ,;, . , . + � . . � <br />�� * <br />�_ ��,. .# ��� <br />'t;�.. _ <br />Ci�air �eters�n �sked the audience if �hey had ar�y c�mments. �re J��arn�� <br />Lii�tejohn of Hessian, McKasy and �oder�ierg, indicaated that he had a concem <br />with P�ge 5, Subd. 2 P,, reg�rding a�y buildir�g expansion matchir�g ip.�;<�esign and <br />feaiure� of the exisiing accessory equipment building and tA,�;�xpt����n having an <br />interior w�{I to keep separ�te the compefii�g providers equ����,;��id havir�g a <br />separa4e building ert�ran� for each p�ovider's ��``"- Mr���;��;��xpfained that <br />� � h <br />he ur�dersia�d� that t�e City v�ould fik� everyt.��to b� �1��:��„'�,fhe bui[din.�� <br />are goit�g ia be ���d by rrtore #han r��e pa <br />creaied �o�ld be that of a iawnhouse dr eoi <br />repair bufi �ithout ar� �ssociafion to repair it. <br />Subd. 4, and why the City requires proof of <br />adminisfrative burder� to tra�k. He added th <br />op�r�Yiortai in � 4�tat�s. Discussion contine <br />regardir�g these concems. The Plannin�.;�c <br />wardi�g regarding hor� accessory b���;;; <br />.;:...:...:; <br />fhem as mu�h as possible, but re ='�������� <br />�� \�x: <br />sh�rir�g buiidings �nd io allow a.... aiiv���' <br />Direcior Sh�ldon res� <br />indicated thai she felt <br />paperwor�c �hai they b <br />req�e�t�d proof <br />#he���{d r�oi h <br />��:��rl �gi' <br />'�;�:: ::�<>�`� <br />.zi�zi��;,;z'z `iza�,.i,., . <br />�a �� <br />��� <br />con�ai��<;� �€� <br />ci����rri��:� <br />, <br />�ck and �f � `� <br />.h <br />�generating a rr�i� <br />required a hold.�; <br />we cor�tacf th�:� <br />harmiess st�€�°n <br />�` Mr. Li��j� <br />z�;,•� esti ��,ra; <br />�uired t., x�v� i <br />did not�;��: <br />rtd th� :��'`";� <br />a�:� �:_y,�,, <br />�j1S SU%�{��'��tl�Il. <br />the <br />a conc�rr� i����ge 8, <br />����� censider� i� �� <br />�;�'��c�re thar� 'i 200 site� <br />•, 2 <br />�ifi�"`�;�?���ir�g Corr�missi�� <br />.� _.:,..... >.. <br />�si�ri`��°���;�,faff to v�ork on fhe <br />�r�dl�d'��;�� objec4ive to ciuster <br />�r�:,��r�e.�g�istical problems vvith <br />�n'� r,�i�esY r�garding insurance and <br />a g���l one fhat in order fio minimize <br />s.��fice in pl�ce and if the City <br />.:�r. _ <br />x;�'ten ihey wauld be in violation. �Txien? <br />�nrork every year. The Pfanning � <br />�ca �a�;;���:�cems wiih the hoid harmiess staiemeni <br />;.. <br />��dir��r���=:;� thought it to be an overly r�strictive provision and <br />,•�`�.. ��ta�on r�ere the fanks could expl�de wiping ou� � City <br />�"��' � <br />i��`�°znter where nearly thousands ofi resider�ts shop weekly <br />����t�r risk of injury or accident and ask�d whether the City <br />�rr�i'le�s clause for these sites. Directar Sheldon suggested that <br />ity Attarney far his �pinion regarding th� requirer�eni of a ha{d <br />m�t and if reeommended by the attomey, the requiremeni could be <br />ordi��r�ce. <br />;����:��eg Kor�taci of Larkin, Hoffman, �aiiy artd Lindgren, appeared �� b�i�aEf of <br />�rr��ri�an P�rt�bie Telcamm. H� inf�rmed t�e C�rnmissior� that APT is �ne of the <br />wireless PCS li�ens�es that has recer�iiy r�ceived a licen�e and is developir�g a <br />system in the Metropalitan Twin Citie� regian. H� indic�ied he w�nied to address <br />h�ighf �nd co-lo�atian. He �xpiai�ed 4hai b��u�e the fechnol�gy hi� client uses i� <br />me�re sensitive to line-eaf-sig�tt interter�nc�, f�ey req�ire tali�r anienr�as �nd <br />� ,� .��� <br />