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1Vlounds View Planning Commission <br />Page 2 <br />January 17, 199i <br />�ack�e°o��ad: <br />The Zoning Code was amended on Ju1y 15, 1996 by Ordir�ance IVo. 575. T'he amendment reads <br />in pari:: <br />Section 1106.02 {R-1 District) is amended to read: <br />I 106.02: Permitted Uses: The followiag uses aze permitted uses are permitted (sic} in an R-1 District: <br />Subd. I Single family detached dwellings. <br />Subd. 2. Permitted single family uses allowed under Minnesota Statutes 462.357, Subd. 7 as follows: <br />, <br />a. A state licensed residential facility serving six or fawer persons; <br />b. A licensed day care facility serving I2 or fewer persons; <br />c. A group family day care faciiity licer�sed u�xder Minnesota Rules, parts 9502.0315 <br />to 9501.0445 to sezve 14 or fewer children. <br />d. Residential facilities whose primary purpose is to treat juvenites who have violated <br />crirninat statutes relating to sex offenses or have been adjudicated delinqueni on the <br />basis of conduct in violafaon of cnixninal statutes relalang to sex offenses shall noi be <br />co�idered a permitted use. '" � <br />Subd 3 liVohvithstandfrrg theprovision of Subdivision 2 hereitr,, foster fraysrily hosrres as adentifterl <br />ara Chaptea° 9Sd5, Section 954S.00IO, Subp. 7 of �nnesota Rules shall be gllowed as <br />pe�mitted uses to serve noi more Ph�n eight children per home, not including the fost�t° <br />family's own chiidren. {Emphasis added.) <br />The reference in Subd. 3(i.e. Chapter 9545, Section 9545,0010, Subp. 7) is to Minnesota Ruies <br />related to the Department of Human Services Licensing of Facilities for Cl�ildren. Subp. 7 reads: <br />Family foster home (FF�: "Foster family home" means a family home licensed to provid� <br />one or more of the following types of care for children who are tanrelated to the family and <br />who are cared for 24 hours a day. <br />a. emergency shelter home means a FFH designated primariiy for time-limited <br />emergency placements, usually taster no longer than 30 days for any child; <br />b. interim home means a FFH caring for children expected to rst�m honne within one <br />year or to be placed for adoption within two years; <br />c. pennanent home means a FFH caring for children (whether state wards or not} <br />under written agreement for planned care until child reaches majority; <br />d. restricted home means a F�3 licensed for a specific child (an FFH licensed as a <br />restricted home rnay not accept children other than the specifically named <br />child(ren)); <br />e. speciai services home m�ans a FFH able to pravide e�raord�nary car� or servic�s, <br />