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. .�.�. �' r."�'• :! i'�1 - • •' 1 � <br />'' ' f�, � , , � <br />' ` • f � <br />�tt���y Long has drafted ar� ordinar�c� for the City ofMo�nds �er�v refleciarig the stagute reguu�mex�ts <br />(pertairung to six or fewet children %r foster c.�re) for your revi�w and consideration. T'his ordinancg �vas <br />presented to the PIannin� Commassion for revi�,v at the April i7, 1996 Agenda meetin�, b�� based on ihe . <br />Waldoch's re�u�st for rr�ore th� six children, was fonx�arded to th� Ci�y Coun�il for dir�ction in <br />ordinar��e. ' g t�� <br />`ih� i�aldoch's �vouId I�ce the City Council to consider allowin� mare than six chiIdre�z for fos�er care ai thefr <br />premases. ALtomey I,ong ha.s s�ated that if'the City would consider allowiz�; rnore than s� children for fos�er <br />care � process, through a condztionai use pem�it, shouid be es�ablished. J�the Counc� is to establish a. <br />conditional use permit proc�ss �o allow s�er� or more chaIdren for fosier care, the CounciI may wisb to set <br />Ii�riits %r ih� toi�Il r�urnber of children which cari be at a foster care faciiaty. Atiomey Long has also s�ggested <br />the C�iy Council create d�fimitions for fos�er care famiIies and d�erent types of care facilities {ie. mez�ta�iy ill, <br />delinquency rehab, drt�g rehab, eec_)_ ci <br />A-tt01��'Y ���� wiil be present at the worksessian foc discussion an this iterr�. I�Ir. �TaldQCh has express�d an <br />iriterest in artendin� this work session to provide further iaxformatio� ort has r�quesT. <br />�_ <br />