Mounds View F'lannir�g C�rr�rnissio� Dec�mber 4, 9 996
<br />Regular Mee�ing P�ge 2
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<br />Plant�ing Asse�ci�#s Ericson �xplained tha4 thE
<br />subdivisior� 4o rnove 12.5 f�e# from 7532 SiIvE
<br />F��ad to satisfy a previous arr��gem�r�t m��
<br />c�,���,:����.��:r�- ...��:�::;
<br />� .;-::,-.,....:.,.,..
<br />...:...:;.......,.
<br />Cocnrr��ssion�r Mlll��._.�d � e�ncerc�=�<���
<br />r
<br />y,. �\ .::<:�:; ;,;�:,�;<e;g:
<br />stated that if both ciw liing� t�nii� .'�� °�i��`i�<:i
<br />prevail as fi�r single fami�y i�vm�Dire��� �
<br />cl�rified ihat if, in the future, tt��'dw�llir�q�� d�
<br />homes, fihe lots would nee, ���meet r��murn
<br />family homes. � ���` °'`�Y
<br />.O._2a.. ,�\'ii
<br />Motion/Se�,�r�d: �rook�/�.?;��r°►I� tn �.
<br />e° ,,,:�. �, 3 .
<br />recomm��i�.�Pprc�v�;�<����r �ubi
<br />, ,;: ,.:::::.�:..;��,
<br />ov�n�f�=�;����� 7����`�,��`�.�k� �
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<br />Mo#ion �ar�i�€�:'�'�;���,, a r���..�.;,;���.:,::�<.
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<br />� (:�5� �Oo
<br />i Z�Q� w�gr�
<br />k: Safum DE
<br />far a��ro�
<br />1
<br />to 7�40
<br />is req�esti�g � er�s��r
<br />�,.to 7540 Sii�er Lake
<br />owners.
<br />�af R��c��'�� i�o. 488-96 which
<br />:<,.
<br />��;�r�y��,:i�i�imum lot wid�h� shall
<br />��:���he Planning Commissior�
<br />,>":»,,;:>��._�
<br />�►� order to build singfe family
<br />�id�h requirements for singie ',
<br />�I��ion I�o. 488-96 as am�nded
<br />Larry Beach, r�presenting the property
<br />i�a Case No. 466-96.
<br />a variance to �Ilow directiot�af sign� ai d�vevvay entrances (one
<br />on Co�rtty R�ad H2)
<br />��� �pplic�nt, Satum Development, was r�ot present.
<br />Camrnunity Devel�prr�en� Direciar �heldon expiained ti�e request from Saturn
<br />Deve�opr�ent for a sign varianc� ihat would aflow #h�m io ins�all fir�o �dditior�ai '
<br />m���ament �igns, on� on Hig�way � a and one on C�ur�ty R�ad H2. She expl�ir��d
<br />