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�teui ��8 <br />��dinance No. S96 <br />� � �� I + <br />! <br />'I'oo Mounds �iew Planr�ing Commission <br />k'�°om�a Pamela Sheldoq Community DeveIapment Director . <br />Sub,��ete Planning Case IVo. S�'-014-97 <br />Ordinance Amendment: Revisin� the criteria for famiIy foster homes havi�tg ei�ht <br />children to include de�ni�ions fra� �iate of �esota Itules appli�able iv both the <br />Departmen� ofHuman Services aud the Depai�men� of Carrections <br />T�at�o January 31, 1997 <br />IVleeti�g of �ebruazy 5, 1997 <br />Iss�e: <br />A� you�- meeting on Ja�x�xary 22, I99'�, the Plannin� Co�mission �scussed revising an earlier <br />amendment to the �oYUng regnlations for residen�ial districts which altowed the plac�ment of eigl�t <br />childr�n in family foster homes. The revision would ciaiify that the fosier home may be operating <br />undex �nn�sota State Ru1es applicable to the Department of Huma.a �ervices as weil as i.t.he <br />Departgnent of Correciions. Pla.uaing Commission indicated that tlie proposed c�aages wer� <br />acceptab�e and car�ied out the ariginai intent whea the Zoning Code was amended iri July, I996. <br />Attached you �vili finc3 a draft ordinance and a resoluiion recommending approva.i to the City <br />Council. <br />3�ec�ffi�►e�da�on: <br />Approve Resolution No_ 494-97 recommending agprova! af Ordinance Ivo. 596 amending Section <br />110b.02, Subd. 2 and 3 of the IVlounds V'iew Zoning Code ta allow eig�t children in foster faa�xily <br />homes, graup homes and group foster homes. <br />cc: Duane Waldockz, 2935 I�ighway 10, Mou.nds �ew, NIN SS I I2 <br />Julie Snyder, Department of Correctioas, 1450 Energy Park Drive, �uite 200, S�. Paul <br />MN 55108-5219; FAX 642-0314 <br />c:tor-Frc�wrw�wpz�cs��s�osTxor�os-r�on,�.PCz <br />',, <br />