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• Research and identify contaminated sites; pursue <br /> Lltnir <br /> c�� funding sources for redevelopment and ensure the maxi- <br /> mum usage to support quality redevelopment <br /> conrn.t�-ie:yDiversification <br /> f , •ace �y_ '`~." s'471Develop a strategy to ensure adequate life-cycle <br /> Pinmerwic <br /> er' ••.' ' housing opportunities in member cities <br /> .as— Iiiy <br />° /- <br /> —uj� ,�, Proactively pursue the use and distribution of all <br /> "-1 � -d-3 jam •-(1 <br /> t available resources to ensure that housing needs are ad- <br /> t ��© ''� .' ''—ig equately met <br /> a I `"-+4 67 0 <br /> 4 � <br /> 1 <br /> l,F -©t''' O I'7 <br /> , �r tie i .,>147, <br /> k I� <br /> „co • ' ( ��.�� �„ 19974999 WORK PLAN <br /> je S''— —� . Geographic Information Systems <br /> cx. <br /> c• 7�aysawaro <br /> • Develop a parcel Data Base <br /> 11',41.' s,,;`"y„�,y� ��� • Develop a Building Data Base and Commercial/In- <br /> dustrial dustrial Inventory <br /> • • Integrate Miscellaneous Data <br /> COALITION • Implement a Data Base Maintenance,Enhancement <br /> and Coordination System <br /> VISION STATEMENT • Develop Joint Usage of Equipment Strategies <br /> "The Coalition will jointly and cooperatively plan for • Develop Electronic Data Links Between Cities <br /> and maximize the opportunities for regional community • DeveIop Data Dissemination Techniques <br /> development, quality growth and diversification in the • Develop Coalition'One-Stop-Shop'for Data Access <br /> North Metro through a system of collaboration." • GIS Training for Members <br /> • Develop Electronic Links Between GIS and OCR <br /> Data Bases <br /> • Incorporate Regionally Significant GIS Databases <br /> • GOALS • • Identify and Produce Custom GIS Applications <br /> Regional Community Development Comprehensive Livable Community <br /> • Work cooperatively with Minnesota Department of Urban Design Framework and <br /> Transportation(MnDOT),the counties and other agen- Transportation Study <br /> cies to plan for transportation improvement,mass transit • Development of a Study Context to build a compre- <br /> needs,and other infrastructure improvements along the hensive foundation to guide future activities. Included <br /> I-35W Corridor to maintain and improve service and help in the context will be a review and synthesis of compre- <br /> stimulate business growth and labor availability hensive plans for each member community and an over- <br /> • Develop a joint marketing program among mem- lay of applicable planning documents from other end- <br /> bers to attract and retain quality industrial and commer- ties;an inventory and synthesis of capital improvement <br /> cial tax base and employment plans from relevant public and private agencies;an as- <br /> • Develop a coordinated,collaborative database and sessment of economic development,redevelupmentand <br /> GIS system to efficiently share information and develop housing issues at the subregional level;and review and <br /> consistent and cooperative land use policies integration of the ongoing GIS initiative. <br /> • Ensure that an effectively trained work force is avail- • Prepare a Coalition working matrix to assist mem- <br /> able to meet the needs of the business community and bens in the managing its diverse work plan and in devel- <br /> ensure that reverse commuting and employee mobility oping strategies to fill gaps,to clarify working relation- <br /> concepts are linked together in the North Metro area ships,and to adopt a code of ethics or protocols for op- <br /> • erations. <br /> Quality Growth • Develop and implement a Coalition education pro- <br /> • Research the current business base and the avail- gram to: <br /> ability of redevelopment opportunities and vacant land a)increase public awareness of the Coalition and to <br /> to identify a strategic plan for all communities engage the public in Coalition activities; <br /> •• Develop a code of ethics for Coalition communities b)to actively involve local elected officials and com- <br /> to use as an attraction and retention tool mission members in Coalition activities and to encour- <br /> • Develop collaborative and coordinated efforts in age networking within the group;and <br /> other areas of regional municipal interest,including train- c)to involve a cross-section of city staff in working <br /> ing,resource sharing and program development sessions that focus on Coalition activities and operations. <br />