<br /> September 16, 1998
<br /> A visual presentation was made using concept plans that had been developed by the Hoisington
<br /> Koegler Group, the City's design consultant with input from various Commission and City staff
<br /> personnel. The Consultant had used the Theme "Woods and Wetland." This theme does use
<br /> components of the "Mainstreet" theme which used neighborhood roads to'bring to
<br /> the "main corridor."
<br /> ax0,,A.,
<br /> • ,.. l.r:,.;e.,
<br /> The Council has asked the staff to draft a design implemez: on report :.$ .,.,:::44.4eK4,lore se
<br /> potential funding for the project's $3 million plus budget taff taff is resaffimegd:Flovira
<br /> Highway 10 Corridor Project be included in the City's .„t , •rehe9Ort Plan Updat
<br /> B. Theater Project Update WAS&
<br /> ,aiitga
<br /> :::emtiOnto,
<br /> Director Jopke gave his report as follows: " b14N!,401040
<br /> .4trtifie
<br /> A Development Agreement has been executed with Anthony 10;gttyPropertft1,„.4 City and the
<br /> 11
<br /> Developer have agreed to "work together" tatte dr.1:*iffi,,.,,ii,e0orobler, at may result from
<br /> !..N!: ,1
<br /> opening of the theater before the signalizlintersectri, at %1wa„Ar...0,, and Edgewood Road is
<br /> ready. SEH has been given a
<br /> uthorizafioao compkite (41gn for this signalized
<br /> :
<br /> intersection, which will also service te:fity's Nev Comm„.„...ty Center.
<br /> •
<br /> "IV iif .
<br /> „ .
<br /> One or two of the office buildin. -..t;at are pgtiof the development may be built on a "spec" basis.
<br /> Plans and svcification for th#35e$tildings 01:0119.t'oming from the developer earlier in the
<br /> fall.
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<br /> .....,,,,,:i. ...%, .','WMAINz
<br /> C. Mermadmiel/Banq:' *:;: :.Update
<br /> ..*514OPP `
<br /> Director Jopk%gli*t.:;.Z$!rt as dijoit:
<br /> „or .visigotk . . .. • •- 1 lie
<br /> -• - 22 2.:":-. : a a: ..Z,4> • a 1- - 0 p ea a — .,, is s •a . . .
<br /> ..:."*Aw
<br /> City this Development Agreerritifigne would provide $1.7 million in TEE assistance to the
<br /> dev$Oper. These funds would cover site improvements and acquisition of the land, other than the
<br /> Rent-All site on the corner of Highway 10 and County Road H. The City would be solely
<br /> rt*.nsible for acquiring the Rent-All site and relocating the business, a sum of approximately
<br /> $55p. ..... ,om
<br /> 09. StaiTiOarrently in the application process for a Minnesota Department of Trade and
<br /> z4It#eegro*5niwhich will, if successfully awarded, offset some of the costs of this project.
<br /> 60410.4airlias also expressed very strong interest in developing the Rent-All site as a possible
<br /> Park & Ride. If this project goes forward there is a potential that the Metro Transit will share in
<br /> some if not a large portion of the funds necessary to complete the project.
<br /> D. Greenfield Ponds Tax Forfeit Properties
<br /> le
<br />