<br /> 2401 Highway 10, N�,,unds View MN 55112 •
<br /> I Y/.., :•..', 612-717-4020
<br /> �..� r�„nci,",t • 612-734-3462 - FAX
<br /> Please Type or Print Information-Complete Both Sides of Ttiu Fo.::.
<br /> A.i,pi,cant information __rr 7�/l��
<br /> �,�.��.,
<br /> t`1.u...:ca Applr,:ai a „3, (1.. dC`E0p (PCI,Ut i\ CST-M i t h h es Of'4.ritCi Tcicl........: 2"
<br /> p0 t[ 34 Fax _ —. 7W-96, C( -
<br /> S-51449-0 3 9e-
<br /> ir,tec..Jt iw Propeety( ±eek appropttate Noxi
<br /> Owuct uf?ruperty 0 Contact for Deed Ower'
<br /> c. Li;-,see. Operator,iv;ai sager y� / 0 Agreement to Ptucbaac
<br /> jC _iwct i.e' i►nt) WG1.t r of - --------------•-•--
<br /> t,,t.i,."..r,t. Muni provide evidence orint..rest in property at the tithe of application,and if y4.- ere cut the uNuer of the
<br /> i:,r,pe rt v,yiso must provide a fetter of permission from the owner giving consent to the filiues..f this itpplicatiou. .lbe
<br /> .. -i rriy uv4,utr must sign this applicxtiuo for it to he accepted.
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<br /> r`t,.t„.Cy t)iscripciou/Yuuri l II OCLL1 tkau,`4S U jet,j ill d
<br /> i ie;t:sl .o�aLlutl �01- t l� /
<br /> LOT '2B LO CAC 64 P t n Eta.)0o-0 Tela R-Act: * 3
<br /> p,c.p:.cry:(.iCt:ttncutiottk0-,tNti) 65 - 30 - 23- ab- 000$
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<br /> I imp cten..ive Plcn Amendment $250
<br /> o ;2e7oning $Z.50/acts: win$250 r .b l5vu
<br /> C :vldiur Subdivision $250+$250 deposit"
<br /> o MM.% Subdivision • $200
<br /> c :':u:tued(hut De,,e14cneot(PI T7)) Refer to rezoning tees
<br /> P�'1)Amendment $350
<br /> c / (.o.aiittCIt;a'•t).SC Permit R-1, R-2$05'.all other .1;--DO
<br /> V'.n ,.cc R•1, R-2$100 all odic,.'5250
<br /> ('ode 4ppeal $130
<br /> Dev'el:,p Review./Site Plan $l2Siai e;tun$125 tL_.,S-.'50
<br /> o Wetland.J oration Per ut R-1,R-2$150;all othc:s-t2O0
<br /> O 'vticLan,l Bu er Per'rut k-I.R-2$25;all other:,1,1)0
<br /> C., FI dplaut?en-rut $20.3
<br /> a atelier
<br /> 'Deposits sit shall be paid to cover ill costs of pubLc r.otices.troatenals and staff or consultant tinge spent u;the review,
<br /> ._ -.; 1i ,r I-t c1,as pit.:0t:of tuatcrialy:i:;so;iateil•xtth this application. The apphcaut shall be i spc__thle for all reascnatrle
<br /> t,ct,:..,.,c,:x_;o.We irtit:si deposit ar;oun'.. An portion of the deposit not spent or enc',,,,hered s,`:all he refunded
<br /> tit... •-:'t ii;:-..ii,,..:,it :Qum:!,3:i; days after canstdc:alien of the;:rlrlrcatiun is c.)mpletcd.
<br /> Please totaptete the ,cverse side of this application. •
<br />