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City of Mounds View Business Subsidy Policy <br />Amended (Expected) November 2015 <br />Page 3 of 8 <br /> <br /> <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />POLICY AND PROCEDURES RELATING TO THE USE OF BUSINESS SUBSIDIES <br /> <br />I. PURPOSE <br />For the purposes of this document, the term “City” shall include the Mounds View Economic Development <br />Authority (EDA). This revised Business Subsidies Policy was adopted at a joint meeting of the EDA/City <br />Council on May 12, 2003. <br /> <br />The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines and criteria regarding the use of business subsidies, <br />such as tax increment financing (TIF), tax abatement, rebate financing (TRF), otherwise referred to as <br />tax abatement, and other business subsidies for private development projects within the City of Mounds <br />View. This policy shall be used as criteria for providing subsidies, and shall be in addition to the <br />requirements and limitations set forth by provisions of Minnesota State Statute 116J.993 to 116J.995 <br />(Minnesota Business Subsidy Law), and by the City’s policy and guidelines of the particular form of <br />subsidy. <br /> <br />These guidelines shall be used in processing and reviewing applications requesting business subsidies <br />assistance. The fundamental purpose of business subsidies in the City is to encourage desirable <br />development or redevelopment that would not otherwise occur “but for” the assistance provided <br />through business subsidies. <br /> <br />It is the intent of the City to provide a minimum amount of business subsidies, as well as other <br />incentives that the City may deem appropriate, at the shortest term required for the project to <br />proceed. The City reserves the right to approve or reject projects on a case-by-case basis, taking into <br />account established policies, specific project criteria, and demand on city services in relation to the <br />potential benefits to be received from a proposed project. Meeting policy guidelines or other criteria <br />does not guarantee the award of business subsidies. Furthermore, the approval or denial of one project <br />is not intended to set precedent for approval or denial of another project. <br /> <br />Whenever possible it is the City’s intent to coordinate the use of business subsidies with other <br />applicable taxing jurisdictions. <br /> <br />II. DEFINITION OF “BUSINESS SUBSIDY” <br /> <br />“Business subsidy” means a local government agency grant, contribution of personal property, real <br />property, infrastructure, the principal amount of a loan at rates below those commercially available to <br />Formatted: Font: 12 pt <br />Formatted: Font: Gill Sans MT, 12 pt <br />Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Bold <br />Formatted: Font: 12 pt <br />Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Bold <br />Formatted: Font: 12 pt <br />Formatted: Font: Gill Sans MT, 12 pt <br />Formatted: Font: Gill Sans MT <br />Formatted: Font: Gill Sans MT <br />Formatted: Font: Gill Sans MT, 12 pt <br />Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Bold <br />Formatted: Font: 12 pt <br />Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Bold <br />Formatted: Font: 12 pt <br />Formatted: Font: Gill Sans MT <br />Formatted: Font: Gill Sans MT