<br />2001 valuations for pay 2002 8/8/2002
<br />Tax Capacity Captured Frozen OSA (3)Net Developer payment Retained
<br />Current Base Unavail (1)Available Rate Increment TCR (2)Fee .37%Increment Percent Amount Amount
<br />DISTRICT 1
<br />C. G. Hill 12/31/01 due EDA
<br />75 08-30-23-41-0011-1 23,750 468 6,217 17,533 128.954%22610 N/A 9,649.07 11681
<br />Mod #2 08-30-23-44-0015-4 202 32 32 170 128.954%178 104.693%X 2 pymts Ending 19298.13 2002
<br />Project total 23,952 500 6,249 17,703 128.954%22,788 84.32 22,703.68 85.00%19,298.13 3,405.55 2003 9649.065 2003
<br />Building N 28947.195 17266.195
<br />75 08-30-23-41-0013 3,892 503 503 3,389 128.954%4370 N/A 13,429.88
<br />Mod #2 08-30-23-44-0017-0 46,276 2,085 21,839 24,437 128.954%25585 104.696%X 2 pymts Ending
<br />Project total 50,168 2,588 22,342 27,826 128.954%29,955 110.83 29,844.17 90.00%26,859.75 2,984.00 2013
<br />DISTRICT 2
<br />Silver Lake Pointe Project
<br />90 07-30-23-12-0002-0 32,591 501 128.954%23,422.43
<br />07-30-23-12-0002-0 9,740 0 128.954%X 2 pymts Ending
<br />Project total 42,331 501 1,818 40,513 128.954%52,243.13 N/A 193.30 52,049.83 90.00%46,844.85 5,204.98 2011
<br />DISTRICT 3 Yrly Limit
<br />Midwest IV 54,846.00
<br />92 05-30-23-21-0007-3 50,336 256 256 50,080 128.954%27,423.00
<br />0 128.954%X 2 pymts Ending
<br />Project total 50,336 256 256 50,080 128.954%64,580.16 N/A 238.95 64,341.21 90.00%57,907.09 6,434.12 2005
<br />Zep (Kenmark)
<br />92 05-30-23-21-0002-8 21,250 186 186 21,064 128.954%8,118.71
<br />0 128.954%X 2 pymts Ending
<br />Project total 21,250 186 186 21,064 128.954%27,162.87 N/A 100.50 27,062.37 60.00%16,237.42 10,824.95 2004
<br />(1)
<br />(2)TCR = The tax capacity rate which is frozen; increment is calculated on the current rate or the frozen rate whichever is lower.
<br />(3)
<br />Tax Capacity
<br />According to the developer agreement a value different from the "base value" used by the county may be used in calculating the developer payment. When this is the case, an amount will appear in this
<br />column.
<br />The Office of the State Auditor (OSA) has authority to deduct an amount to administer the oversight of the state's TIF Districts. In 2001 the amount was .25%. For the first half of 2002 (only) the OSA
<br />set has the rate at .37%.