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12-06-2004 SPECIAL
City Council
Agenda Packets
12-06-2004 SPECIAL
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MV Commission Documents
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City Council
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Agenda Packets
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<br />908.01 908.03 <br /> <br /> <br /> c. In imposing charges, it is necessary to establish a methodology that undertakes <br />to make them just and equitable. Taking into account the status of completion of <br />the system, past methods of recovering system costs, the topography of the City <br />and other relevant factors, it is determined that it would be just and equitable to <br />assign responsibility for some or all of the future costs of operating, maintaining and <br />improving the system on the basis of the expected storm water runoff from the <br />various parcels of land within the City during a standard one-year rainfall event. <br /> <br /> d. Assigning costs and making charges based upon typical storm water runoff <br />cannot be done with mathematical precision but can only be accomplished within <br />reasonable and practical limits. The provisions of this Section undertake to <br />establish a reasonable and practical methodology for making such charges. (Ord. <br />529, 8-23-93) <br /> <br /> <br />908.02: DEFINITIONS: <br /> <br />Subd. 1. QUARTERLY SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT REVENUE <br />REQUIREMENT: The estimated quarterly expenditures for planning and <br />inventories, capital expenditures, personnel, equipment and operation of the <br />surface water utility, in accordance with established City policy. The quarterly <br />surface water management revenue requirement and resulting surface water <br />management fees shall be established for a period of time as set by City Council <br />resolution. <br /> <br />Subd. 2. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT FEE: The quarterly charge <br />developed for each parcel of land pursuant to this Chapter. <br /> <br />Subd. 3. UTILITY FACTOR: The utility factor is defined as the ratio of runoff <br />volume, in inches, for a particular land use, to the runoff volume, in inches for an <br />average single-family residential lot, assuming a two inch (2") rainfall and Soil <br />Conservation Service (SCS) "Type B" soil conditions. (Ord. 529, 8-23-93) <br /> <br /> <br />908.03: SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT FEE: <br /> <br />Subd. 1. Determination: The surface water management fee shall be determined <br />by first determining the percentage of total runoff in the City which is attributed to <br />residential property. The total fee for all residential property in the City is computed <br />by multiplying the runoff percentage by one-quarter (1/4) of the annual surface <br />water management revenue requirement. The residential surface water <br />management fee, per acre, is determined by dividing the total residential fee by the <br />estimated total acres of residential land use in the City. <br />
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