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~. ~~ <br />i <br />r PhANN1NG C,n?±,n;T~ta7UN <br />August 15, 1961. <br />~~. <br />The regular meeting of the Mounds View Planning Commission was oalled <br />to order bq the Chairv!!~n at 9s15 F.M. Members presents 9to1e, Gustafson; <br />Forelund, Dlanahard, LaVayua, Ohriatonaen, Thorsen, and Planner, Dahlgren. <br />Mr.~Skiba and Mr. Piehowski were, el so present, <br />Mr. Dahlgren presented hie report on Case y61-6 (?ietraak-Lazar). <br />Mr. Later and hie representative disaueaed their plans for developing this <br />area with the Commission. <br />Mr. Mel Johnson, 5120 Hgxy #10,'epoke to the Cnnunisalon protesting <br />t1~s Hatrsak proposal. He was told to wait until something daf:?nits le <br />preseraed to the Aounoil before he protests. He was-told that e. publio: <br />hearing ie required before action ca.^. be taken. <br />~~ ~Mr. Pen Dahl.', 1925 HBO #10. asked the Commission f6r a variehoe to <br />~~ <br />oonetruot• d building within three feet of hie noighbere property 'llne. <br />He;waa told ghat we could take no action'until he presentsd something <br />•- , <br />defi:iite Lu u6 ar.3 rrgd rpfered to the Council. <br />Mr. Stole in~:roduaed Mr a. floyoe and Mr. Astelatein, sr.embera of tho <br />New Brighton Planning Commission. ,The} aekeci that, itoundejView change the <br />name of some of the streets in the Twelve,0aks~lrea t{o aarasporid with <br />street names in,thiar village which lies dust enrosa tho street. <br />P40'MON by Ohriatenssn to recommend to thu Council that,. the ,name of <br />Eastwood Road in the Twelve Oake Area be ohanged to Oriole Lane to oonform <br />with the New Brightor. Road System, 9eaondsd by Blanchard,. Carrio3. <br />Mr. Dahlgren ie to Band a map of hha Mourda View street Plan to the <br />New Dc•igiiton Ylsnning Cc:nmiosion. <br />