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1961-09-19 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1961-09-19 PC Minutes
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Prt~rmaa aore•ilssloH , <br />'ueptemhor 19, 1951 <br />~e regular ?heating o£ 6La !-icur±39 Ftex PJ.anning Oommiseion xae callefl to order ty <br />airmen stole at Bf15 P.M, Members pres~tf stole, Thorson, rbrelund, t7irieteheem, <br />oaoherd, LsVeque, Goff, sad the plafiner, H. Dahlgren. O, Piehoxski was also present, <br />the aearetnriee report xae read and approved. <br />Mr, Asle Oven, 5454 Eriokeon Fbad, appeared before thu Cammi.aai.n tc request tha* <br />the ihcberg property (Yots 1 and ~, ffiook 4, spring Ieke Park Highlands) be reaoned <br />from 8-Z to H+-3 so that he might ]oasts a machine shop there. <br />Mr. Ot~an was xeferrad to seotiona ll.,l~ ll.:ty end 11.3 of the Tnniug Ordihmice end <br />told that notion xould be taken oa hie roquast when forma? +ppllcatian was made. <br />II ~Q$,by Mole that tho Plnnniug Waoni.seion recommend to the Counoil that they <br />I establish a. Peblio Hearing to consider +,he removing of this property from B-Z to B~3 <br />on a limited use basis pivviding Mr. Gmberg makes a Yormal. applioatluu sad complies <br />xith the Oxdinaaoe: semaded by 7aVaque. Carried. <br />~.t1., Aalflgreu etai;eil that the Village, by lazy must eaoept responsibility Yor sll <br />Co~eroial H111dinge in the Village that e1w conetruoted xithout having a registerod <br />arnhitbotator enginoere Deal attached ty the blueprints that the O,fmoil approved. <br />11r, Piehoxaki stated that no buildings in the arse proposed for resoning meet <br />these State regnirvs~ente. <br />}gTIUN Tr• Christenean to have Mr,. Dah'.gren PraPax'e a letter for the Wnno11 mid <br />f~,the Qlsafilng Cnmmiesiah outlining •Lhe prooeeduree of the law regarding caameroiei <br />`~--~buildinge. 8econd3d b9 1°brelund. Carried. <br />M.:stole reed's letter Yrom Rap, Rloherd ]ones ot£ering hie ha].p in eeouring ~ierk <br />area et the ihtereention of Highways ~ end i1f1.0. <br />Mr. Deh].greh xae instructed to prepare'm iketoh of xhe proposed perk area for ns• <br />I N3 iOTw4rd tv :a`i. J~n09• <br />ic,b ~wretery is to write to Rep. Jones to eakf,oledge die letter, and to tall him <br />I oS our pleas. <br />MDT'iON by Chriatensm i,o inform the Council of Rep. Jones letter offering help for <br />aogaieition of n Perk facility at 'Hi,ghweye ~ sad fP10 and tw re.(uest that the Oounoll <br />'~ take steps to intarm Mr, Donee of oar needs end'inte»fi;ione and'ta request hie help. <br />I 9eoo'aded by feVaqu®. Carried. <br />j The mooting xae ed~ourned at 1Of15 P,M. <br />f HeepaotSYilly euhmltted, <br />Pik f ffiaaohasd, 5eo. <br />
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