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November 4l 1981 <br />Mootina; wan called to order at 8:3b. <br />Members rreeent, Milt stole, Mel Christensen, Charles LoVeque, <br />Welly Wabel', Dale Po Lock, and Noword Dahlaren. <br />Motion was made to amiend remuistion ehsnme. Planner to be in- <br />etruoted to prepare an amendment to Ord. no. 67 to clarify Aide <br />yard oot back On vorner,lot. Motion msde by Ail Christensen and <br />seconded by Chas. LaVagde. Motion carried. <br />There la to be ree sent and also time set ror the planner to be <br />at ',tanning commission and the work to be done by them. tt was <br />suggcstod thit the planner be put on one meeting par month st 460. <br />Tits le to cover time spent on planning to be done at meeting and <br />advice here. Any work done outside of the meeting is to bo covered <br />by aiditionslfee covering time and material. Any item that takes <br />more then 4 hours would be charged for on the 6100 per month plan. <br />The planning commission, on the Sae or Mr. Dahlmren agreed to <br />try the 3/460 per month plan with the stipulaticn that at any tine <br />the plaoning Commission BO desires we ccn cknngs back to the <br />original plan. <br />Meeting wee adjourned at 9:30. <br />