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PIN[W 000 <br />NilLVlew <br />r NNOtlWD00 <br />n r/~ /`~' Q~v/,T/WlIVS Otkt <br />,' ~1t'I I ~J ~~V 0\ <br />~~IINu"~ V d~ ~ VI <br />.V RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA ' <br />PIANNINO COMMITTe6 <br />r~.nrm1NG cY,ti~~assz~ri <br />March 19, 1963 <br />A ~,int meetingg 1'f the :n•unda V1ow Planning C+nnnlasi~m and the <br />Alounda Vinw Industrial Uavol'pmant C~~mmittea wao called to order by <br />Ghff,mFcrslund.alaibel,PLars'n~aLaVSqus,mAlaneharde~ndaGul3tafson,Stole, <br />P. Ac.og, C. Piehcwski, and tY. Skiba were alsl~ present. <br />The minutes cf the prevL~us mnetinq were read and approved. <br />Mr. Kvelhaim, appeared b©for¢ tho CcsT~roiealon in behalf of Mr, <br />Horaet R;cntgompry~ 7by cr.,valand Rd., to xequesq t{eg,~xtlnnn9,cT:en- <br />E '1/A f the S.E. 1/ <br />Hu o Arc-rkman r~: ert , (rl, <br />eh~p 30, Range 23.) <br />I ~ ~ byy Goff &hat tho C~mmiasic.n recommend to the Council that <br />i~thty approve the rezoning cf` this property from f~;rl,to R°3 and from R-1 <br />~~ to B-9 with a apetial use perndit `~,r the purpoan of nroctir.~~rr a Trailer <br />Park end a buffer of multiple dwellings. Seconded by Gustafson. Carx~iee3. <br />r5r. Jahn Eastman appeared t~ rogvoat rezoning ,,f hfs property <br />acr~~sa from the Villago ~~:ffice fr~~m rea~i,dential tc, ccmmornial. Since hs <br />had nn specific prnp;;~sal, nc zcti~~n was takon at this time. <br />1 <br />' Mr. Jsck flo1.1 ap~earod i±ybThalfa*fToz~ninar~fcthoeprraert ton <br />I,:ekwood urive, i•i@iv o+v,qu'2:~ A, '-iU-- <br />Highwsy #10, between and acres from Falrchild Ave~we and Asd '. ak i~riv8, <br />frc;m R°E? tc' G-3 f~ r tho purp ~se r.F eractin9 a liquor estabiishmer.,t. <br />~~ ~^T~': by 1. arson 4„ reccmmond t~ tho CuunCil that they eppr~~we Che <br />reaonin~1 of the pr~,perty fir the purp>se ~',£ netabl~sndhiWalbaliAfEr Stc R, <br />genonded by rcff. iustafa^n, Flanchard, LaVaqus, <br />Gciff', and Foreland, NAY• Mcti ~n carried, <br />:+Ir. F).R.h;uoller ~resanted a plan f~.;r the conatructl~n of single <br />family units ofaal mult_pla unite cn hie property loeeted ~:n C;,unty Road <br />H-2 and Falrchild Avenue. <br />~,TTCN by Guatsfs:,n t:~ approve the preli.minary plat. Seconded by <br />Weibel. Carried. <br />The meeting was adjourned at 1Ot30 P.~t. <br />'~~~ ~eapectfully auballtted, <br />~ ~ <br />~ ~ 1.( ~~~ ~,,,~~_ <br />Phy11~1a Alanchard, Sec. <br />