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<br /> <br />oATtWAY <br />/" PINt~00D <br />I NILLVIIW <br />KNOLLWOOD <br />TMtLVt ORt! <br />u'~~a ~ o~ ~ou~ds ~e~f <br />RAMdtY COUNTY, MINNEdOTA <br />9101 NIONWAY 10 <br />1T, PAUL, MINN. 99110 <br />dU• 1.909! <br />Juno 20, 1967 <br />The rolqulur mootiltg ui' bha fAounde Viow Planning Oommiesion was oalled <br />to ut~dor. ub 0120 Membore ps'eaonb t Alanohar~, Hurggraff, Forsiund, <br />Hillsdale, end Lung. 0. Piehoweki was also praeent. <br />The minubes of thu previous meeting were read and approved. <br />Mre, Ruth Whibs, ].939 Oo. Rd. I,'preoented a final plat for sub- <br />division of hor proporty nt that addross. <br />'~0'~ION by Slunohard bu reoommend thab thn Oounoil approve the final <br />~,.,glat as prss~»bed. 9eoonfled by Fi±llndale. 9arried. <br />(`WW1 Mr, Ruesoll U. Quotaison, ~5.'•5 Co. iti. I, roqueeted rezoning of the <br />Northwoot oornor of Co. Rd. I exd Edgevrood Drive from Rl-A to R-3 to <br />ooamtruob tour-plexus. <br />The Planning Gommiosion sees inoonsistrtnoes in the legal deaoription <br />ae nreeanteB, bttb would approve sub,~eot bo (1) ISr~ Foley makes an <br />applioabion,,artd (2) Hr. Uuvtateon and Mr. Foley provide a p®rliainary <br />pleb of the area. <br />Mr. Olarenoe H. Krane, 3837 Pine bane, Liinnetonlca, idinn. x•equeot~id <br />, <br />rezoning of-the N g of the 9E } of the NE } 1y1n6 westerly oP a lino nut <br />from a point en the N line of and 558.78 Pt. ~fest Prom the ITE oornor <br />thorsoP tc a puiltb on the South line of and b04.33 Pt. West from the SE <br />oorner thereof, all in 9eo. 17, Twn. 30, Range 23, elubJeot to avonuue, <br />~~lrom H-3 to Industr.7.a1 for an Industrial Park. <br />`./ <br />IMORAM i1UtiA 0. MAYOR ROOBRT WALYC R. CLERK IRBNf 8O0[R O, TR81lU PER <br />PBR RY MAL VIN, IR UCI[8 01NY LAN O. TR WTBC flIC HARD JONNOO N. 1RU8TC8 <br />