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^taroh 19, 1©68 <br />(2) <br />Tom Raveling,. 8000 Fairohild Avenue, presented a preliminary plat for <br />„ subdivision of hie property at that address. <br />Robert Eigenheer, 2h0fl Co. Road ";i", requested rezoning of ~JUtlots j,~l and <br />X12 to B-3 <br />,doTION by Hillsdale to recommend rezoning of Outlet „1, Blook 6, from <br />R-1 to R-3. to oonstruot apartmonts.aooonded by Burpgraff. Carried. <br />na0'J.lON by Larson to reoommend rozor,ing of Outlet ff 2 from R-lA to B-3. <br />Seoondod by Forslund. Oarried. <br />2dOTI0N by Blanohard to advise the Council that the Planning Commission <br />wishes Lo take no aotion on Ernest Gustaf son's proposed rezoning of <br />property at Aronsoa/Edgewood and Greenfield duo to oondemnation prooeedongs <br />already in progress for Sanitary Sewer. Seconded by Gus~oafeon, Carried. <br />A letter from :'~>Charles Soheal was road oonoerning a propoaod road on <br />his property. The Seoretary is instruotc-i to answer the letter. (Copy <br />in file.) <br />The Suasel Company,,L850 Como Ave., St Paul, requested a varienoe of <br />5 feat at the home of Russell Pederson, 8335 Groveland Road, to oonstruot <br />an attaohed garage. <br />b10TI0N by R~+stad to recommend approval of the varienoe eub~eat of the <br />Building Inspeotor`s approval'. Sooonded by Burgp~raff. Carried. <br />Sody Enterprises (Joe Sivrek) 2810 Gr..ud, requested rezoning of <br />appror.,imately 20 acres in the i7if quadrant at Co. Road "I" and Jeokson <br />-.extension, to build mdltioles. <br />`~ ?:SOTYOIt by Blanchard to recommend that the Council reheat the epplioation <br /> <br />