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<br />na'Ihrt^.n 7tS, loon
<br />'1'ha renulor meating of ttt~ c:uun<to Yioty Plennin_r, Obmminniun woo oallod
<br />i
<br />to order by Chnirmnn 3to],e c)i: t1s10 it,':, ?dutnuern prooent Stolo, ;Iillndnto,
<br />Cuotafeun, Toralunri, Llauohnrd, anti sfurgrl•n*i'. ~. i'iobut•!nki won' nloo„pronont.
<br />''i'hn .'~ihtti;n,^, at file rrnvi'~r.~ mn~tin^ ••rnre rood on11 nnprov~d. ~
<br />Jiuith '1', ":42rntert, "]fi~l .o, ?td. -73, pz•nnantc+d r, J;:roli;;+.:;::.'.: ,)lat for
<br />rezoning of hio ,ropurL•7 t)t thr? ocmn~ar of L,rn~ .el:c !toad and ~o. C+d t[-~,
<br />'tn'?"I:Jtt by !711].: •lnl.n thnS•~ tl,~. I+roi 1-1nnr~ ,].nt r+ty ;)rr)'prit~!t by :.r.
<br />Itarntcui .bra nrprnvc+d, Snonndad »y Dur!r~xnCf. uu^;rr.:tod,
<br />i+nthuny 'lal:aohuh, 14}IS4 T.auc•;cl Avo. ;p].n. , yranitntod a praliminory
<br />plat for ifo, rsai+tin :ioocnd ~.rlctitiin,
<br />"~5"T!l; I t• 7 7,nnoPnrA thnt: tho oamrninelon raoo)nme .; rova]: 01 iAtc
<br />+
<br />i)roli~ti.nnx:• ;+].nt •attth ad,juatt~ents iitt tf+o oornnas ]ots (bni,vnaoi: ??rirr0ton 7.aito
<br />and I?ni•rbcnr, rnrnnr lain to bah 7.0.0 ft, intctrir.,r lc+tr to 1te re,dnooA r+aoox'2-
<br />in^ly. flr,tcrnen t^r;inhnv Lane and the 7.'+t 7.in,a' to the l:nnt, aotm.ar loto to
<br />lie Pff, ft, , int,hr, io7. tote;; ~d~ bo TndnooP. t fent,.)• '
<br />~innQnrlp{t }yr . tlth l3nfdP~9l, lie+r?'i arl•
<br />~dnk140 LI'Ut ~, rn sir) n']lt t.( Y'i, rC:a '~i"Ilnfl l'nr, , 111~Vrlnt4(~ ~:2nfOrfin i'.,Lpn ~lJlr)btlt .
<br />F ruzoni;tr i)rrper'G,y nt lE?K9'-a7v!y, 10 t't!r r. utora;;o t'fnreh4U!fo nod,,,+.ruok
<br />earvioint, aron, riezoninR would. be f>."ota R-Y Ga ~I-:,. ,~.
<br />E ~~~rthur Attle~on ladon 'hit<on, Ooon i?npidu, roGUeotod r7ozoring anA
<br />aub-division of tho Lund prcpurty ut G040 zsi3:rer Lnko foaA.
<br />i; ~ ••n'rinta by HurggrafP'to reoommond approval of tho 100 f!_, aub-disieian.
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<br />..vy.}M~. ~...
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