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<br />~ ~ , °~ . .~ . ,: , . .~:.a
<br />~~Nrwooo
<br />TWlIVC OAN!
<br />\I~~W V O~ ~O~1I~J \1~~
<br />2401 HIGHWAY IO
<br />5T, PAUI„ MINN, 55114
<br />511, d•:1055
<br />Nuvember 17, 1970
<br />~ Ttie rnF?,uler rio^.ting of th~ 9:ounds Vic~~i Plannin6 Coi~nission was
<br />aaZlsd to order ot F3:25 P.t1. t;temba.ra present ; Stole, 1S111sdalo, Larsono
<br />Aur~p,rafP, Gustc~i'son, ar~d L'lancherd. Cf, Skiba m~~~; also present.
<br />~ 9lotor Loeffler, 5135 G.roanv~ood Drivo, requoated sub31v4s1 on of
<br />Lot l, IIlook 1, ~reenfield Addibion and .Lots 10 and 11 'c7oodlewn Terraoe.
<br />~ The matter waa tabled until a new proposal ia presented,
<br />l f Ivlinutes of the previous meoting wore read and epproved.
<br />•~;' ~
<br />Ra,ymond ~. Doyle, AA1 Cobb Street, wishes to subdivide Lot 48,
<br />Sprin~ Lake Park Hillvlow Addition into two 82R foot 1ots.
<br />i°IOTI6iI by F~ur~~?raff to reaommend that the Counail epprove tho
<br />~-~, suUdiv-~s'fon, sub,jeat to pa,yrr.ent of fees, 3eaomied by I[illedalF~. Cmrried.
<br />'I ~~ PAre. P~ul Wiok, 7580 3inollwood T~rivo, re4ueated a varienoe to make
<br />a lot 80' x,228'
<br />i.10TI0N b,y EI111sdale to HrNY the requeat. 3eaonded by Laraon. Oar.~ier},
<br />.~V
<br />~'i Jim 3taff~rd appearod Por Sienoraftors, Tno.~ for permission to
<br />ereot a Union 7~ sign at 2390 Hi~hvaa,y l0, si~n to be to the hei~ht of
<br />30 feet.
<br />1~IU~PION by Burg~+rnff to appioae request for a. lai~ger ,si~n. 5 aye~ J
<br />,i for a»provel. ttotion oerrled. T
<br />~ faennett Goldberg. 2$0„0 IiiQhwaJ 10, wiahAS to pu~'(~ to 10 mobile
<br />homes on his property and'oparate as a new mobile home seles and diaplay
<br />7,ot~ as franchised d9alers.
<br />P_;0'CTOD1 b,y 4ustafson, to su~rgoet that the Oounnil grent a Speoiel Uae
<br />~ Permit to~r. Goldber~r for. tne pericd of one (1) year, ~ub,jeot to renewal
<br />and to the payment of fees. Seoon~tad hy 1lur~*~raCf. CerMed,
<br />i~1r. Sto7.e introduaed .•~rs. Barbar.a Itaeke, an obsorver from tl~e
<br />` ~ Lee~rue of '+7omen Voters.
<br />t~tike Ko~vil, 1Et05 I,on~ Lake Roa3, not hore, Ydo aotion taker.,
<br />tdrs: InEa 1Jolson, 703h Pleesant Vi,eiv Ariva, vrishss to park a mobile
<br />homa in the rear of hor property u.ntil it ie scld.
<br />~ +"°`~~ ifOTI0I4 ~y Gusta.son to request the Counoil to grant e Bpeoisl Use
<br />~
<br />~i*a:nf~` ':~;,, r t :wrYe .., , ' ,
<br />~. ~ /Y " k:~.~. : ', .. ., •.~ .... ;.
<br />