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MWND.i VIEW PLAIiN1hG GOW11a3iLL <br />December 27, 1972 <br />Village Hell <br />Celled to Cyder' 700 F.M. <br />1 <br />PRESEbT, Milton Stole, George Gustafson, Hobert Glazer, Bernere Falok, <br />Jemes Burggroff snd Butbsre Hake. Welly Skibe was also present. <br />ABSENT, Chcrlotts Forslund, Alvin Hillsdale and Phyllis Blanchard. G <br />MINUTES' The minter of the lest meeting were reed and approved. <br />BUSINESS: kr. Doug Ohssnut, representing Construction 70, Inc., appeared <br />before our Commission regarding en addition to the Long Leke <br />Phillips 66 Stetion ct 2;01 Highway #10. This addition would be <br />a Gar Wish Bay with dimensions of 16' x 351 x 14 high. It would <br />*etch the present construction design. Mr. Chesnut explained the <br />terrain end the exact nitustion of the addition. A diaouoeion <br />ensued of the type of mop used the environmental aspect of e <br />biodegradable soap vs. any other. type. Mr. Chesnut said the <br />floor drain from the per wash will be directed beck into the <br />present settling drain in the existing stall. <br />MSP (Gustefson /Felok) to approve the plan for an addition to the <br />Long Leke Phillips 66 Station et 2501 Highway #10 of a 16x35x14' <br />car wash bey. 6 ayes. <br />It wee suggested that we investigate our weigh ordinances from <br />other villages or cities (i.e. Fridley, Blaine, Spring Leke Perk <br />end adopt one of our own ptrteining to same. <br />Berbera will investigate and request copies from other <br />communities on what speoifioetions they require for architectural <br />oonttnunity of new business,,industrial, etc., construction. <br />Perhaps, from these, we can set some guidelines for Mounds View <br />to follow es to whet we would require on future structures in <br />our community, <br />The- meeting was adjourned at 8,30 P:M. <br />Respeot?u)iiy submitted by Herbals Heeks for Phyllis Blanchard <br />ememewsemmeewala <br />