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1975-01-08 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1975-01-08 PC Minutes
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~ A <br />F. } <br />Paeter Entarpr~nea. Ed Pester <br />Approvel a1" e o~tellita building, ~n tha anrner oP ',he ehapping <br />~ aenter bounded a~ the eaet by Lang Leka Rd, and Cn Eha norEh by <br />, Huy 10. Th9 huf..lding mill ba ooaupied by Hritlgamane. <br />,^"~ <br />(~~ <br />The commiaeion on Npr11 25, 1973 epproved the plahe for the <br />ahapgi~g nentes, e13oWing o 20?S varSonoQ Pas perking. When the <br />mein bUllding aquare footega le added to the equare footage ol' the <br />prnpoeed eete111Ea huilding, ths parking Se within the 2U% verlAnoe <br />orignelly grented. Thera wl.11 6e parki~g far 550, thie is ~ar <br />tha Whole oanter, Sna;.uding the eete111Ea build~ng. <br />On the Eeet elde aP the eotelllCe hullding(Long Leke Rd) there will <br />be a raPUae araa 5Pt. x BPt. The commiaeian requeeteathat thie <br />erea ba.incorpore ad in2o,a hgrm end plentings usad to cemauPiege <br />the rePuee ara. ~u.r+i,y f<~tct~ .tir p f Qin~'a~ <br />1 <br />Mr. Paeter eleo Sndicetad theFe will ha harma e~d plflntinge <br />vn tha County Rd. I e~da uP the eh,opping center end nn the Long <br />I.eke P.d. eide elea. Therd will eleo be e lendecepe pl.en aent tn <br />Wa?1y Skihe ena Por tha commSeeion to be etrle ko T9VSdW thio plen. <br />M3P Aoeemen/BurggrafP to epprove the setellite building witt~ tha <br />eddition oP e herm a~ tha Eeat slde aP tha 6uilding to cemouPlage <br />the rufuee eree. The building will ba a Bridgemone, hu11t to tha <br />apeciPicetiane of tha tlri~lgaman Cn. Tireea {~lena mera aubwittad tc <br />the commiaeian on 1/B/75, Bridgamen plane deted 11/6/74. Alsa the <br />Brldgesaan eigna to be ueed ese; varnien A(163 aq.ft.) irsdleated <br />on the Britlyemen plens ~'eted 11/6/74. ala,, ~1~a.Geoi;~G~17~2.~/~~~~>~{ <br />8 ayee. 1 ney. motian peeaed, <br />Commleeidn Glezer voted nay far tha axme reaeon ha etatetl on 4/25/73 <br />regerdipg the i:~ndequaby cP tha parking. <br />Tha planning Commieeion reenmmenda thot in the future ell minar <br />euhdivxaione mill ba appraved on,aketch plene, ulth tha oantingency <br />thet ti~e applicent sacure a aurvay oanducted hy a i~egfeterad <br />aurveyar end thet tha plenning commiee4an epprovel u111 nol; be <br />Ponrsrded ta ths Counpil until. eeid eurvey ie verified by the <br />bu,tlding inepecto: to r,anform wiCh ths eketch plan. <br />Meexing ed~uurn lI p~m. <br />fleepectPul y eubmitted <br />7/~~;;~/,~~,,4~zac~,~. ~a~/~5., <br />penoy flurmaleter, Sac. , ~ <br />'; <br />~. ,.,,~ <br />~ <br />
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