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<br />I Page 2
<br />~ Her,ley R~nmuaepn~ 8380 Red Oak prive. M4n'or eubdivieion ~nqueee.
<br />~ '~' N~ncy Ruaneister mede a motion to epgrove minor nubdiviaion on
<br />' ehs N 202.9 Et, o£ the 8 243 Et. of the W 528 Et. oE [he NB § oE
<br />I 8ac. 6~ Twsp. 30~ Renge i3, also except theseEcan~ the N.95 Et.
<br />oE the 8 236.5 Et.~ all in the Oitt of Mounde View, eubject
<br />to Perk Dedl.oa6lon and utility anacmcne and an 8 f:. aaocmcnt Fur
<br />Red Oak Ur1vc. Nocth lot !o be 2GG,5 fC x 10A.25 Ft, end eoueh
<br />lot 101.25 ft. by 264 ft. and tot on Rdd Oak eo be 107.5 Et. x'
<br />~~ 2G4 ft.~ eeconded by Jemee Durggreff.
<br />I 8 ayea~ motion paeeed.
<br />,, l.eunching Ped~ 2375 Highway 10. To diecuss poseible addi[ion
<br />I of a 32 lane bowl.ing alley adjoining eha Lr+unching Pad Supper
<br />Olu6. Mr. Nf.cholae A. Palaia~ arct~itect~ praeentad a plan for
<br />a proponed bowling center at Gaunching Pad eite to the membere
<br />, of the Planning Comnisalon. ,
<br />He will~ pay h1a fea and preeanC hie,plane at the next eegulat
<br />, , Planning~arnmmieeion maeting.
<br />, ~ " .~ 'There was cc+ncern ee to the parking end ingresa and egresa.~ ~~
<br />i ~
<br />' Mo[ion to ad,jnurn at 11i10 p,m. ~ ~
<br />r.!.`,~,,,, ' ~ Respectfully eubmitted~ '~
<br />, ' ' JeLTY FOA6~ Sacretery, ,
<br />~
<br />i
<br />Requeet by Jemas Hurggraff. to eetablish e minimum rediue #or a
<br />cal-de-eac ae our next ordinance marting. ,'
<br />. ~ . " ~~ ~~ ' ~ ~ . ., .p~~ ~ .
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