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Moande Vieu Plannin~ Commiesion Page 2 <br />; <br />! ,~ nubdivieion (3~9.21 feat x 137D Mibh a 62 loot front yard ~etbaak, <br />s' ~;~ 4G feeL irva CYa laka ahcr~ hlgh wnter mark, bneed on Bhe eurvey <br />'~ of Carla~ anG Aeeoolatoa, dsted 4-23-75, 4W~Seab c~ ~~ : 3WCtcatlen. <br />; fihie mo0,',-~n wxd aeooaded by Phyllio Blnnohar~, and bronght t~ a <br />f b~~Q• 5 ayee, 3 nsys. Motion oarriad. <br />Nick Pslain, repreeentin~ A1 liartinger, for Ehe Launohing <br />Pad 3upper Olub, 2375 Nighxeq 10 - rasoning fnr a proposed baxling <br />Y, alley. <br />Mr. Pninis preeented thb Commieeion xith n reviesd eite plan. <br />There Mou1d bb mora entranoae and exiba to the eaet nnd xssb off <br />of Righray 10, and nn additional 62 parking plaoea {provieion fnr <br />472 aara), «:~id13 i~ adequsCe aaoording to soning rngulatione. He <br />further atated bhat bha ~reteemhed diatricb did nut foresee any <br />probleee, exce~b to aroid colleoLing na~e.r--hcaevery he suat ~et a <br />rsrait frar #'~ raterahed dlaLriot. Nanoq Burweieter ~suggeeted <br />that ho cheok into egre,ea on H2, poseibly inetalling c Seft hnr~d <br />Curn oniq. Mr. 9kiba mentioned that thnt portSon xe nA longer a <br />countq rosd, bu4 theq oouid probabl9 go through thc oity snd atnto. <br />Ma. Haaka su6~eated Lhab they follox through on khnb and oheok into <br />it. <br />Ma. Ha::xa sentloned bhe publ.lo Ematings to he held, aeking the <br />psopla to aome ln with s PUD oonaept for tho xholc ar8s, and <br />,,.~,~ su~aost~d ir,ebituting eoYe of the trhinge oon~empiebed. :Sinoe Chie <br />j ' ie i» tha T'N aroa (the 8UD 4letriat xould bs 25 aaras and up, <br />'^«.,.~ ~na the ring ~oad wouYd u~ie~iate the tratfio probler on H2), <br />eo~a of the~e thinga aauld be inaorpoxstad. PrrhBpe thie rezoning <br />shoulQ ba Asld in absyanoe unti,l the plane are tinnlised am Co <br />Mhe~h~r 3t rill hs Aet2nibeiq iholuded in PUD, ae st that time erery <br />paroel ai11 be r~toned aaoording to the oospreheani~a plens. <br />Mr. Pelaia statad Ehat w~hat ther xarc aeking far wns a <br />re~~ning and n vote o! centidenoe on the builQin~S. If vhey get tha <br />re~oning theh theq wiii ar~a~-er the reet ot th~ queatione. The <br />resnKiag x-qui~earonta are: te ehoM the inCOndad uee !or thet portion <br />oY thn 1a,nd and to hsve n nketah eh~wing hor it relntee Eo tha <br />reso,iing, rirh proper pnrking, etn., and L•hie he leit ho had done. <br />Ma. Haeke stnted thnt lAr. Pelsia QiQ aome befdre the Capmieaion <br />rith what Nr~e ryquaated, but a publio henring ghould he held 1or a <br />reaoeiag. Ehe Cold Mr. Pslala ths4 xhen he te7.t he Na,iLeb to aek <br />.'~a ~hat dsba ha Should eon5ant t!hm offiaa. Phq121e Blanoherd <br />~snbioned thnt he ~houlfl aleo ha~e the additionsl iuemu Far a pu511c <br />haaring, sca aentioned in the minutee for Mnreh. ylr. Palsia etsted <br />that he xould hare thew. <br />