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1975-08-27 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1975-08-27 PC Minutes
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~ MINUTES OF 9`HE MOUNDS YtEW PLAiitSIHQ <br />COMMI39TON <br />Au~SUat 27, 1975 <br />The Mounde Viex Planning Commieaioa ~ae oelled to order at the <br />V111age Nall by it~e ohairperaon, Berbara Haake, nt 7:35 pm on <br />Wednesday, Auguet 27, 1975• The Pollowing membera were preaent: <br />Paul Pedor, Rohert diaser, Miehsel Lonergen, Nnnay B•armeieter, Qexeld <br />Noen, R~.+bert Roeematt, PhyJ.lin 8ianohnrd, Uon Mnokeben anQ Dnrbara <br />Asake. <br />ITEM3 FOR CONSTDERA'SION: <br />Publio heari»g on comprehenaive plan nnd propoeed rseolution <br />racommendinb pian ~o C1Ly Council. Hn~•bar~ Hnaka anliecl the publlc <br />hearing to ordor. She stnted L•hat for the mnin parb o! the publia <br />henring, whlch waa August 13, 19T~, thc record ot the minutes ehouid <br />be referred to. Me. Hnake rend the "Reoolution Reoommending an <br />Updated Comprehennive Plan tor tha City of Maunde YSeW to btze City <br />Counnil" (cogy attsohedl Ma. Haeke then moved to paee this raeoluEion <br />to the City Counoil. ~hie moti~n Mae aeeonded by Don Maekehen and <br />anrriad uannimously. (9 aYee). <br />The public hesrind xae then ad~ourned. <br />~,~ At 7~p5 Pm Bsrbartt Haaka oelled thn Pianning Commieeion back <br />Lo ordna nnd Derald Foem ~oved to spprove the minubea of the rune <br />Plnnning Conuaieaion ae road. Thio Nee seoonded by 8arbnra Hsake and <br />asrried. (4 eyee?. <br />Robert NS,ggina {feeY--not ~n agenda. Property involved - 2400 <br />Lnport Dr - overaize a~o~eaeory bldg (125 :c Z20). Robest Roaemnr: <br />moVed that bhe Commieaion reoammend to tfie Caunoil bhnt bY.ey approve <br />Mr. Higgin~a averaiae eoaedeory 5uilding eub~ect to payi»g the fee <br />for a apeciai perm4t wibhin'E weeka. Further, th? door ehail he <br />~o wider then the prenor.t plan and the building eha11 Ce laaeted behin3 <br />bhn garsge. ThXa motion rae eecondad by Cierala Foas end oarri~~i. <br />f9 ayee). <br />Ma.rvin Sntiluter (fea). Praperty involved - 8312 Leke <br />Road, tainor eubdivicion. 4arald Foes temporerily ateppad doKn from <br />the Commieeioa Ceasuee ef s oantllok aP Sntereab. Ther 207 s. 120 sp21t <br />la underatood, but iC ie nooeaanry to knoM ahnt ie going ta hsppe~i to <br />Chn haok lot. Harbe,x~s Hsake moved to tnble Mr. SohluCer~e roquent Par <br />a minor snbdiviaion to the SepEember meabing. ~t !e nece~ear!! that , <br />a aritten la 1 opinion be obtained from bhe eity ettorney aa to <br />tha atatue o~the Sand eaaC dnd west on propoeeQ P1Qdettntivew Driv~e <br />an8 alao reviex the ebe,GUe N1bh the counky. The aity atCos~ney ehou],d <br />oontaaL Mark Aohen for furEhdr eiaborntion of the probSem. Thia motion <br />La table wae seconded by Nanoy Buraoieter nnd anrried~ (8 ayea). <br />i ` <br />~~ <br />
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