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1975-09-24 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1975-09-24 PC Minutes
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<br />MINUT68 OF 'fHE MOUYA9 VIF.N PLANNIN6 <br />r~~ CoMMI58I0N <br />~ Y ___„ 8cutamUas z/~_ 1~7~ <br />The Mounda Vleu Plenning Commieaion vae aell~d to order et the Villaga Hall <br />by ite aheirpereon~ Berbera Heakei et 7s32 pm on Wednesdey~ 5e~EemLer 2/~~ 1'~7S• <br />The following mamBore uere presantt Paul Fedor~ Robert 6lazer~ Miohael Lonergen~ <br />Nenny Hurmeie'ter~ ~ereld Fuse~ Phyllis IIl~naherd~ Don Meekoban end Darbcra Haeks. <br />RoDert Roeeman Wee ebsent. <br />Ma. Hseke stetod tha4 in the AugusE 27i 1975, minutos there a}w+~ld be a <br />oori~eation on pege 1 rogarding Robert Hi~;,ins. Hia overaiza e.eoeasury bul2ding <br />ehould bo ahenged from °125 x 220~~ to °1/, feot x 14 faet.~~ Further~ '_n tho lest <br />psregreph on paga 3~ it sf~oul.d roeda ~~Ms. Heoka axoleined to Mr. THomes that <br />the deoinion Wae unenimously noge.tlve.~~ dtriking ovorything els'e in the ramFinder <br />ot the oentanoe. Mr. Clerer e:sked thet it Ja a mhtter of racord that he had ateted~ <br />naha diacuesion thet the publto hee:•ing on tho comprehonvive plen r+c9 held on <br />Auguat 27. During theE time I~;oteed oppoeition end cr.itlc3sm to the inalusion <br />of the coneept of plen vnit developmonta in tho plan e.nd I elso fnlt thct the plan <br />aea deficiEnt in that not enough apon apece uea cllowed end sn equel priority wee <br />given to the flavelopment of the presor~t perte with eequisition.~~ <br />The minutes were approved ea correatad. <br />ITEM3 Frift CONSIDERATIONs <br />Doneld Property involved~- 2656 County ftoed J- ms~or subdivieion (fee). <br />~r~ A lotter wes received from Remaey CounLy etnting that they raquire a 49•5 right <br />i~ of oiey from the center line snd the C.ity qttorney~ Mr. Meyexs, stetes that ae ara <br />required to tho esso3emant bofore the naw plet is filed,. Mr. Belk~e problem <br />ie that the oounty Hiil not file tho plet unl.esa the coun~y te given thoir <br />eesoeetr,ante. Mr. 61e~er nteted thst ho would be intoreezed in diecavering rthy <br />theee essesemonts couldn't be trkon north o£ Uounty Rosd J. A poll wss teken oY <br />tha Commiseion. Mo. H^nko said~ Do you feel thet we should requ~re the corner <br />lot to go to 16.5 or 100 foet. tis~. 61.ezers opt for 100 foot oorner lot. <br />Mr. Lonergen~ Ib not ignora-~ahould edd on to 100 feet. Mr. Mecketons With the <br />1~10 foot lot we would atill heve edaquate epece.. Mr. Fodort 100 Fo~t lot Tine. <br />Me.'Burmeister: If wo don't gnt the sdditional the county will send it rSght back. <br />Ma, Alanoherd: 100 foot bocsuae ce long ae the building inapactor is ewere of thc~ <br />sLipuleti m I would go elong. Mr. FoRSS ,Agree wtth 10J for lot en~ other lota <br />at 82.5• Wiio kr~owe when the county Will ever uee axtre foobege. Ms. HNaket HeaEUee <br />ot the pFat I don~t see hc~ they c~n axpaot the.t much et this time--go with 100'Feet. <br />Mr. Lflnergens (ree.dir.g from the letter) ~~roduc3d 1'urther right o£ wey acqi~isttion' <br />coste to Rc,~nsey County end tha City of Mounds VSOW~~--N}Ifit i~088 that mes.n? ,Y em going <br />on record indi.:ating that tYiie is oomothing thaL wo ahould noi Zgnora. <br />Ilenoy 8ux~meieter moved to teble Mr. Balk~d major subdiviaion :oquoet until atter <br />a spe~stel moeting tekee pleae witl~ Rrmaey Count;y~ to be oet for October 8 et 7t30 pm. <br />Someona from Remaey Counl~y will come en3 oxploin bhe situetton rogr,rding the right <br />of wey on Couniy Roed J. The effootod proporty nwn~rs on County hoed J ehould ba <br />notifiod. Thia motion wes eeconded by ftobort 67e~er end cerried. ~3 eyes). <br />
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