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1975-11-12 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1975-11-12 PC Minutes
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~t <br />~ MINUTES OF THE MQUNDS VIEW <br />PLANNtNG COMr;tSSION <br />November 12, 1975 <br />The Mounds Visw Plamiing Commission was ca7led to order at the City HaiT <br />by its cheirperson Barbara Haake at 7:30 p.m., on Wednesday , November 12, <br />197&. The foilowing members were present: Paui Fedor, Robert Gtazer, <br />Nsncy Burmetster, Don Mackeben, Michael Lonerga~i and Phyllis elanchard. <br />Rouert Rossman and Gerald Foss were absent, <br />Ms, Naake mad~ the faitowing corrections 1n the October 22nd ~ninutes: <br />Page 1, regarding Patrick Peliigrino, second paragraph, the lot size <br />should be changed fram 35 to 40 feet to 201.5 X 100 feet. Page 2, regarding <br />Ernest Danielson, the two north lo2s facing Gre~nwood prive the lot sizes <br />shuuld be 81 % 254 feet and the remaining lot would be 85 R 264 feet. <br />Page 3, seconA to the last paragraph, the last sentence should be <br />changed to read, "shoulti indicate a 33 foot road easenient:' <br />ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION: <br />Mr. Ro6ert Carlson of Brentwoo~l Development Company. Property <br />involved - the West 375 feet of Luts ?., 3, and 4 Audltors Subdivtsion No. 89. <br />' ! Ms. Haake stated Mr. Carisort's request is for a mafor subdivision <br />'~,,..~' of 18 tots, White Oak ~states No. 3. She reported that the Comnission <br />has given previoes spproval on tbis subdivision but Che time for filing <br />the final p7at has elapsed. <br />Mr. Carlson stated the reason the kime has e7apsed is because Mr. <br />8urns at County 1eve1 requested the signature spaces on the hard shetl copy <br />be removed. Most of the people involved had moved out of the State and it <br />has taken time to get the names released from the plat., However, the legal <br />ramificaCions have Seen clarified and piat is ready for finalization. <br />Ms. Haake depicted the parcei on the section map and rr,culled a mor!: <br />recent subdivision of Lorraihe Bonin whose property adioins tha sub5ect <br />property. She reported ttiat the BoMns would have a land locked piece <br />of lard and asked about the pos~ibility of Mr. Car'Ison purchasing this <br />pince Ca add to h9~ subdivision makiny 7ot six lerger. Mr. Car)son said <br />he would iook into purchas9ng the land. Nowever; a1'I of the lanct in his <br />p]at was tarrens and he d1d not know the status of the Donin land ur how <br />this would affect Ms plat. <br />Mr. Rossr,~an arr~ived at 7;35 p.m. <br />Ns. Burmeister felt that since Mr. Carlson's plat was in the final <br />stages, it :eemed easter to put the burden on the Bonins because they are <br />only in the planning stages. <br />~ ' Mr. Glazer moved that the Commisslon approve the ma~or subdivision oP <br />Brentwood Development Company involving the !sest 315 feet of Lots 2, 3, 4 <br />Audltor's Subdivlsion No. 84. This ma~or subdivision creates 18 lots, as <br />shown on the prelininary plat of White Oak Estates 3rd Addition, dated <br />Auuust 1975, Eesements as shown have already been taken and discussed <br />
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