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1975-12-17 PC Minutes
Planning & Zoning Commission
1975-12-17 PC Minutes
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Mounds View Planning Commisaion pgp,e Z <br />~ NoTS: The Ylt~nning Coiunisdion wanLe Go know the exaot dincnaicna at <br />83~6 Oroveland owned by Mr. Robert W. Bruflodt by Janusry 14. <br />Robert Olazer statad that these two requests were tabled <br />because of the polioy that the Planning Commission is to <br />fux~mulate to have aven lot spYib~, and the lot south had been <br />aubdivided previously at 120 or 150 feet deep and we want that <br />investigated to aee, if it is at 150 feet, iT a preoedent has been <br />set that we ao~.~ld follow on the two lote north of it. <br />Mr. Marlowe V. Johnaten. Property involWed - ~841 3pring <br />Lake Rd. Minor subdivielon (?. lot.^.). Mrs. Marlowe JohneLon appeared <br />hefore thc Conunieaion ettd rAq~iest.ed e minnr nuhAivi.aion of her <br />oxi.ti,ng loL• ithich measures ~:50.2 x 14o feet. <br />Harba.ra Haake moved that we bake from the table the above <br />mentioned request of Marlowe Johnston which wae tabled on November 12, <br />1975• This motion was seaonded by Robert dlazer and carried. 5 aYas <br />Me. Haake explained that thia wss tabled to discuso at Che Nevember 26 <br />meetinQ any overall road syetems in the City of Mounds View beaauae <br />the lot op11t the Johnstons sre requeeting would neceositate an entry <br />from Knallwood Drlve and tho Planning Commiesi.un wan~ed to see if <br />they had that pro~ected for the future. It was auggeated to Mre. <br />Johr~eton thaC ahe go to her noighbors and get 2/3 of the peonle t•o <br />aek ~or a road. She ahould contaot thr. Dunoana, Che 9elfords and <br />~/", the people at 2908 Hiqhway 10 and have thein come in and petition. <br />~ This would ba for their 140 feet lqt. M.r. t3lazer explained to Mre. <br />JohnsCon thaC ver,y probabiy if ohe got 2/3 of her neighbora to agree <br />to this t}~e Planning Commiasion wou].d grant her her 140 x 140 lot <br />eplit. <br />MSP (Olazer-Fador) to retable the Marlowe V, Johnston, <br />7$~1 Spring C~ake Road, rr:quest until the meeting of Jattuary 28, 5 syes <br />Item 4 on the mgenda, Mcmorandum i~egardir.g Ccunull review <br />of r.ew Chapter 40 was poatponed temporarlly. Ma. Haake stated thnt <br />the Planning Commisaion ahould reviaw it for the January 14, <br />and then at• bhat time se* up a date to meet with the Counci.l. <br />Me, Haak~ atated that a memorandum had been reaeivad from <br />the Me*,ropolitan Counall on the Clty's Comprehenelve Plan Update <br />saying ih~t the Plant~ing Cosimieaion had done a geod ~ob, She then <br />asked Councilman Shelquist if the City Cour~cil wants the aprendix, <br />previously dlacusaEd,before it cau be npproved. Councilma~. ShelqulaC <br />replied that he thought it could pass with what thera is, but it <br />might be wise to conside,Y~ ~'r;eir :^quee*„ 1~ut thure is nn .legal <br />necessity. <br />Ic e:ae further stetad thet the P2anninp, rn~misaion terms <br />of Paul Fedor, Nancy Burmelater and Mlchaal Lonergen wl.11 be expirinq <br />at the end of 1975• Ma. Haake requested Councilman Shelquist to ask <br />~ <br />
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