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'2- <br />Dept. of Natural Resources. Tha city providea 288 nnd the stieta 75~~ <br />~ There ia a pos~ibility thet we might be able Co qe~ lull fundinq <br />iP wa taikod to the appropriaks PeaPle ae it ie euoh a unique mpproaoh. <br />~ Nancy Burmeister ask~d him ae to the uaae tox tih~ tr411. Mr~ Bxyenb <br />answered for s~.i t•ouring, biking, enowmobiling snd peAeatsinn-- <br />multipla trails. If we oaa get aaay from the asphault it ~s muoh <br />better Ec.r l•ha ca~r~nuntty, sucondary traile aleo are being cons~derad. <br />Tr.ail bikea would not be inaluded. Ma. Heake aeked i! lhey intand <br />to fenae both sides and Mr. Bryant replied not witl~in Che peYk <br />property. Mr. Mackeben aeke~ if we were wi~linq bo move trail <br />~ystems within drainage eyetem linee. Mr. 8rynnt ekaCed tha6 that <br />is the key question to all oi tihis. ~t thaC ti:ne we oen disnua~ 3t <br />and decide if we want to give and take. ~he primery reapon~ib,iiit~ <br />would be to have a gaad draii~aqe nyetem. Na Pee1e thnt iti i^ a <br />unigue approach to areatinq a trail syetem end cut ooats ns w~ll. <br />Mr. Fass asked how they were 9oiny to croee Highwey 10? <br />Mr. Pcyant: ~rhare ie a requeet ~s~ Eor a rer.oning. Thruugh a lend <br />or cash dedication program xt ie very loqicel thnt we eould gat e <br />bri33e. He Eurthex etated ~hak h~ would i,{.~o e8diklo»el oomm~nto <br />or. ~houghts and he wi11 talk to Attorney Meyera to lind out it <br />there are any legal problema. <br />tde, xaake: 2 am pleased that you cama betore ue enpaaially beasuoa <br />whan people come to ua for Au~divielon~ we knaw yout idea~ end oan <br />plan accerdingly. <br />MSP (BUrmaieter-FOes) tl~at wo ineert the propoeed oona~pt ~hati <br />Doug Bryant ~f the Parks and Recreatlon Depnrtmene pres~ntQd baloYe <br />;'~~ the Planning Commieaiun: "Where artiFiaiel ahnnnol~ mu~t b~ <br />~~ conetrncted to augtnenl• the natural dxe~neqe syetemr /uch oh~nn~lw <br />as we11 as the naturml drainage waya mny be plo»neQ nr parG oF w <br />recreational trail eyetem. Channels ehall ba dssigned to b~ q~~tihat~ <br />ically compatible Eor rocreati~nal trail use." 8 4yd~ <br />CounaiLnan eaumgartnar etated that a pvblio he~ring on the u~s o! <br />community Punding money ie pendinq nnd the prsridenE o! ths L~apuo <br />oi W~r,.n Votera indicated thaC the Laague wa~ in lavvr c~ bbr urQ <br />of money for a trail system nnd aomo at the money fox 2hi~ b~lQqa. <br />They would like to see thie bxidge ao theb people ~oulh of Hlghaay 30 <br />co~ild walk to tha ehopping oenter. <br />Next item on ~he agends: <br />Fred o'reil - Property invalved - Lend Cast ~P Lon Laka Aoed, NoYth <br />of Co. Rd. H3 and &outhweet oE Nighwey lp exce~k 1~00 HiQhwsy 10 <br />(Donatallo'e) - Rezoning H-1 to 8-3. <br />Duane olson, Conaulting Englreer, epoke !ox Mr. o'Nei.l. He exyieinod <br />that the property is immediately weat ot D, Narth oi H1, Hxyhwey lA <br />N~ 1lmite, zuna elong Long Lake Road, nnd they havic e petl~i~n in <br />for rezoning. The preeent zoning ie limitad bus~n0oe, ~nd Ch~y <br />are aaking Yor n genetnl bueine~e xoning. Mhmy would e1s0 lika :a <br />hnve a grading permit to remove peet trom the we~t portion en~ lS11 <br />it with uesable mbc~riai. Tha utilttiee nre in Long Lake Robd and <br />County Rd lix. <br />~ Mr. Fedor askAd them what they pleaneQ to build and he replisd khat <br />a Mr. &teak was intereatiad, the Tandy Company i~ looktog !or o lree <br />e:anding building, and they have had sAVeral oth3r i»quirier, <br />